So… You WANT us to gain warp charges to maximize our combat potential, but only give us one real way to gain warp charges…
Yeah, there’s something wrong here.
As such, I have a proposal. The level 15 Perk tree.
This needs overhauled to be more useful. Something like this:
1.Psychic Communion:
Whenever you gain a warp charge, you and allies in cohesion gain 5% damage resistance for the duration of the warp charge, refreshing upon stack. (stacks 4/6 times, cannot stack with more than one Psyker)
Reasoning: This makes a Psyker FAR more valuable in a squad as a defensive specialist. Not only are you tougher to put down, but your nearby allies benefit as well and you can turtle together, becoming far more likely to survive hordes at higher difficulty levels. Not to mention that allies who leave cohesion lose the buff. So, best to work as a team and stick together, yeah?
As for the 2nd and 3rd feats, move these to more appropriate tiers (removing 2 less worthwhile feats in their place) and swap the level 15 ones with something akin to these:
2. Warp Sensitive
5% chance to gain a warp charge on any warp attack hit. Charges gained at maximum stacks grant Attunement (max 2 stacks). Attunement increase the chance to reduce Perils on Brain Bust kill by 5% (maximum of 10%, totaling 20% overall)
Reasoning: This gives more synergy to a Psyker’s kit, seeing as force swords and staffs are uniquely designed to use warp skills almost exclusively. It is especially useful against things like bosses. Otherwise, the entire reason for Warp Charge functionality to exist is moot. Why give Psykers something that they can never use when it counts? Bosses have an IMMENSE amount of health, and when they spawn, there’s never anything around to kill for the boosted damage. This feat suggestion fixed that and provides a more aggressive playstyle for those who wish to abuse the warp for their benefit. Also, 5% is a nice rounded number that makes sense and won’t trigger all the time. I’d say it’s pretty balanced, all things considered.
3. Warp Link
Brain Burst now chains to nearby targets within 3 meters (minimum 1). Hits one additional target for each stack of Warp Charge. Only one chain of brain bursts can occur every 10s. (chained kills do not generate Warp Charges. Only initial target kills) Brain Burst generates 20% more Perils
Reasoning: Crowds are part of the game. You’re always going to be overwhelmed. ESPECIALLY by the insanely overtuned amount of ranged enemies. This provides a counter to that problem by allowing for a way to put down a few of them at a time without needing to SEE them. The trade-off is generating way more Perils, bringing the total BBs in a row down to 2 from the patched 3 and the fact that you’d need to wait on the next chain’s timer. BUT, every BB kill brings you more charges, which brings you that much closer to chain bursting a bunch of irritating enemies. Once again, makes a Psyker far more of a valuable teammate.
Now, do I think the devs will even remotely pay attention to this? No. But they should. Psykers only having one way to make use of Brain Burst or gain Warp Charges effectively feels like they were overnerfed. At least this way, you’ll have several different Psykers. A defender, a boss buster and an assaulter at any given time. Way more useful than the 3 level 15 perks as they are now. Also, as it is, the current Psychic Communion is just… it lacks flair.
Additional Edit: Warp Siphon
Needs to be redesigned to allow us to gain Warp Charges in a passive manner. Making it so it is only off of kills CRIPPLES a Psyker’s late-game effectiveness (ie: higher difficulties, boss fights). It is unreliable as it is now. Please retool.
We need a more reliable way to generate Warp Charges that don’t involve ONLY kills, otherwise you leave a significant portion of the Psyker’s kit feeling worthless during Monstrosity battles (Which are SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult when you can’t gain any additional damage).