Psyker - Empowered Psionics Talent

Issue Description:

Assail (Empowered Assail) consumes Empowered Psionics charges, but the tool tip suggests that it should not. Empowered Smite does not consume the Empowered Psionics buff, even though the tool tip does not suggest this. As well as Empowered Smite not increasing Peril while Empowered Psionics is active.

Steps to Reproduce:

Equip Empowered Psionics Talent, kill enemies until charges are gained, use Assail. Same with Smite.



Player ID:


Reproduction Rate:

Constant (100%)

1 Like

Pretty sure the tooltip is implying that you would not use an Assail charges, not EP charges. If so, it could definitely be better worded.

Well, that’s not how I read it. Also, Empowered Smite does not appear to consume Empowered Psionics, which allows you to hold smite without peril gain as well. So the functionality to not consume Empowered Psionics is there. Either way, something is going on with the talent that doesn’t match up. If Empowered Assail is only meant to not consume 1 out of the 10 charges… that’s… well, not worth a talent point to me.

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