So I’m definitely feeling the nerfs early game compared to last beta. I do think nerfing was necessary because it was pretty easy to get off your damage and remain relatively untouched through most difficulties on any level imo. It might be too early to tell but so far the nerfs heavy in most of the right places. My thoughts so far (opinion based):
Can’t brain burst nearly as often: before, I could casually pop heads in between big fights and get off a significant amount of bursts mid fight. Currently I can consistently get two before a necessary quell. Three if using no other abilities and quick meditating. Casually bursting can put you in a bad spot depending on aggro.
Ability quells a large portion of peril instead of full: This is very impactful. I feel like it charges faster maybe but less quell here means having to meditate mid fight if there’s multiple elites. Not bad but feels really heavy with endless horde modifiers.
Less stagger on ability?: This could be bs it just felt that way and I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna do that “knock 20 off a ledge” penance
Peril gained from force grab: the force sword ability now increases peril. I like this actually. One of the main reasons I could go untouched before was just equipping the force sword and walking through hordes for free.
Mediation is progressive instead of linear: another impactful one. Quick meditating was much more abusable previously. The quell rate ramps high but slowly now. The nerfs to ability quell make this feel heavy. I feel like both changes are healthy but one or both could maybe use a slight number tweak.
Squishier? - this could also be bs I’m just getting slapped around.
Less dmg brain burst with no charges - previously it felt like I could basically one shot anything that wasn’t a boss/mini-boss. I like this also but with the peril nerfs, it can be difficult to consistently do meaningful dmg to boss type enemies.
Delayed cc on brain burst - this by far feels the heaviest to me. With the rest of the nerfs this makes psyker feel very clunky. Before, the cc from brain burst was almost immediate. When used well, it could create space, save a teammate (the whole team if it’s a bomber), disrupt ranged specials, etc. I don’t mind a delay on heavy type enemies but not being able to stop walkers or charging enemies makes brain burst much more one dimensional. It also allowed for some really cool interactions (catching a pouncing dog for example)
Overall I agree psyker needed nerfs from the previous version. I have mostly good feelings about these changes except for some number values. While it’s still very enjoyable I have to admit that the class does feel less fun. I find myself having to use my gun a LOT more which honestly isn’t what I’m playing psyker to do. It feels bad when there are multiple heavies and specials bearing down on the team and I can’t do any warp shenanigans when we really need it without dying either to mobs or peril. Now you need much more space and time to get off multiple bbs which works thematically actually, but with all the nerfs it hurts the gameplay imo. I do like the changes themselves I just feel like the numbers are too high currently. These are my thoughts on the early game psyker of both versions, I’m interested to see other takes. I’m in love with this whole project and wish nothing but success for it. I’ve beta tested plenty but I’ve never been passionate enough about a game to hit the forums. This release made my year, thank you Fatshark .
- For the Emperor