Hey fellow rejects and team FS!
My 2 cents here as a psyker main since the beta: the last patch didn’t really change anything concerning Assail. In fact, lowering damage just means you may require more shards to achieve the same goal as before, and thus spam them even more.
The only way to make them less “spammy” would be to lower their regeneration speed, which might induce making them inflict slightly more damage.
Increasing the secondary attack’s damage also made Assail compete even more with Brain Rupture:
After Patch 13, I honestly saw very little interest in using BR over Assail. Sure, you have to stay a bit longer on target (though you can still duck in and out of cover pretty smoothly) and you can’t deal with crushers and maulers but you got other tools in your arsenal for those anyway.
With Patch 14 this is even more true.
For all the rest, you do exactly the same than BR but much faster, and for far less Peril. Then you have left click to clear whatever other threat you want to delete in a pinch.
That being said, in my opinion Assail isn’t really the issue. How some player use it, is.
Either to kill everything on sight at lower difficulties (were like it’s been said, damage output is over the top), or by killing the exact same enemies a melee class is getting their toughness back on instead of the shooters / specials about to bring them down.
Used in a way that actively benefits your team solves those issues and bad comments about the brain magic daggers.
On the other side when it comes to Psyker’s Blitz, you have BR that is too slow and still too low on damage or AoE stagger to really compete and Smite that is only good now with Empowered Psionics.
My suggestion for my siblings out there, try to play Assail in a way that actually benefits your team and watch their back
There’s always something coming from behind
And for our sharky creators, some ideas regarding the psyker’s Blitz:
Make BR able to OS everything except monstrosities and bosses. When pared with Empowered Psionics, make it able to deal a whole bunch of damage to monstrosities and bosses similar to the Thunder Hammer. Slow, high Peril generation, deadly at any range and against anything.
Scale down Assail’s damage in lower difficulties and maybe slow down its regeneration rate. Shards could inflict less damage on Flak armors and maniacs. Fast, devastating against trash and unarmoured specials / shooters, able to snipe, but useless against maniacs and armor.
As for Smite, I’d increase its base damage or increased damage from other sources and buff the other with EP if you want to take that road. Or with EP allow it to stagger even monstrosities and mutants for a short period per charge, just long enough to save a team mate from being bashed, eaten, or puked on.
Since it’s more support oriented, it could also make sense for smite to be able to fuel a kinetic shield or dome, but that’s a whole different road.
Finally if you comited to read this far, I’m not here to convince anybody that I’m right and they’re wrong, nor to tell FS what to do. Just sharing my thoughts
May thy be as deadly as thy are rightful in your purge!