Why do everybody complain about Assail Psyker?

I do not play Psyker, but I play with Psyker mains, so I see these shards everywhere, but still, I do not understand why everybody think that it’s busted.
Like, there is an infinite(I know it’s the bug and it for sure will be fixed) lightning thing that stuns half the map, but everybody seems to notice these shards, or maybe I am very wrong.

Maybe it deals a lot more damage in lower difficulties, and oneshots more enemies?

I do not know, so tell me please so I can complain about it too.


It’s “broken” because people love to point their finger at Psykers for being viable now and don’t realise there are three more fingers pointing back at them. Instead of nerfing Assail, they need to reduce both the brace on the Point-blank Barrage and the Krak grenade fuse time for Ogryns and Veterans, respectively. No Zealot playstyles are significantly impacted unless they’re just bad players. Psykers aren’t the problem, the other archetypes have just been nerfed a bit too hard. Psykers were nerfed into the ground before the class overhaul and we felt pretty well useless on anything above Malice. If Vets and Ogryns can clear the ranged enemies before the shards reach them (like they are meant to) then Psykers won’t have to carry their teams.


Essentially assail requires little in the way of aiming, recharges very quickly, clears almost anything that isn’t an Ogryn rapidly, has a very long range, and doesn’t care about your gear. What a Veteran may need high end gear, an Ult, and excellent positioning and specific aiming to achieve, a psyker taking Assail+Ethereal&Quick shards can often match just hitting “G” and left clicking at the general area of the enemy and then do it again 14 seconds later. It’s tons of fun, but probably needs a reduction in range and a hike in recharge time.

For my own part, I massively outperform with my Assail build psyker relative to just about any other class and build I’ve run so far since the update. Absolutely love it, but it’s also frustrating for other people when they don’t get to do anything.


I agree except for one key factor. If we nerf Assail instead of making it just… not as viable that means Psykers will have virtually no clutch ability. My suggestion is to buff the other classes so that they are brought to the same level as Assail Psykers on Damnation. Psykers have already been completely useless before and we don’t want to go back.

Well, I guess the problem is quite subjective(probably more so for Veterans).
But I usually do not see Psykers with Assail preform that absurdly good, they are, of course, very useful for the team because they fill the gap of Veteran(there are a lot less Veterans now, but they not less good to have).
Wait, maybe it is the case, that they fill the role of Veteran.
Anyways, thanks for the reply

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Something people selectively always forgets when arguing anything about psyker is that psykers go down in 2 hits on anything above malice, while zealot can be immortal in melee if they choose to, also veterans are much tougher than psykers. Basically what I see people demanding all the time is that psykers power should be exactly the same as the other classes while also going down much easier. Not a glasscannon, just glass. That is quite unfair demand because it just leads to a situation where no one wants a psyker in team.

Having said that, yes assail is too powerful up to malice, slightly too powerful on heresy, but nerfing it to ground (vet and zealot will call it actually “a fair nerf” when it’s made useless) just pushes the class back towards being weaker than the rest of the classes without an upside. I don’t mind if they nerf absolutely everything about psyker as long as psykers get the same health and toughness as everyone else.


Ogryn on Damnation is very good, please keep it a secret(The shotgun with fire on hit is too good, god daum)
Do not answer on that, we need to keep in on topic, so we have other things to talk about later


I imagine because its a very easy playstyle.

Steps to be good:

1)- Equip and throw
2)-Quell peril once at 100%

If players are having fun with this playstyle let them. nothing to complain but I will say, it literally becomes your main weapon.

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Exactly my point. Either buff our toughness or leave Assail alone and buff the Vets.


Ye, Vets are a lot rare, maybe some candy for them would be nice
(I just want ammo regen in every match)


ammo regen on top

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ITT: delusional Psykers.

Psyker hasn’t been bad for months, they got straight buffs for a while and access to the strongest melee weapons of the previous patch, the Deimos and Illisi. And now in the new patch, the Dueling Sword Mk IV, plus all of these great toughness regen options right at the top of your talent tree. If you think Vet is tougher than Psyker I invite you to actually play the class. Better kill those elites and specials before anyone else!

Meanwhile I can faceroll Auric High Shock with Assail because it procs every toughness regen talent Psyker has, while gaining free charges off elite kills. A blitz ability shouldn’t be something you can spam 90% of the game–ain’t nobody out here killing screens of enemies with Brain Burst. Nobody’s doing it in seconds with Smite. All Assail needs is toning down its recharge. People acting like Assail will be worthless, it’s almost in a good place.

Then again, with the opinions I’ve seen on this forum, it seems some of you would consider it useless if it wasn’t OP. Emperor help you when they take the actual nerf bat to Voidstrike.


I find myself thinking “wow I wish I could play the game” while in damnation runs with the magic dart psykers. And yes I’m a vet so I’m salty that executioner’s stance is worthless in comparison


There’s like a lot of complains to look out for in other Assail thread already but it’s probably doesn’t matter to some people because it doesn’t align with their opinion.


Sorry, probably should have searched for some stuff.
But I kinda wanted some new opinions

Psykers has always been a viable class, they just required a bit more skill before.
I’m a Psyker main and did and still do well on Damnation even with the less popular builds such as Scriers and brain rupture. With the current “meta builds” it becomes a cake walk.

My main issue is that Assail can crit and gets overtuned with guaranteed critical hit and destiny BUT the infinite Smite is the one that’s worse for sure in my opinion.
I actually tested running smite without the “Jump to +1 enemy” and it feels balanced without it.

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I maintain that they need to just buff the Veterans before nerfing the Pysker into oblivion again. Veteran now feels unsatisfying to play even WITHOUT Assail Psykers for teammates.

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Veterans SHOULD be stronger but they were nerfed. While it sucks for them, now they know how we felt for months. Veterans should be buffed instead of Assail nerfed because Assail won’t NEED to be nerfed if the other classes perform half-decently. Psykers won’t feel obligated to carry their team anymore and Assail will become a blitz for when the Psyker is in a dangerous scenario, whilst if you just… nerf it? Expect a lot more squad wipes because of the crappy Vets who can’t and won’t do their job.

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Damnation USED to be a cakewalk for anyone who wasn’t a Psyker. Psykers had to actually try back then and still got one shot by Crushers… now we’re… useful. Instead of dragging the Psyker back down, bring everyone back up to their level with a couple of buffs.


Yeah it’s more fun stunning the crusher indefinately and never have to dodge attacks or 2-shot them with voidstrike, i agree. :ok_hand: