Poxburster waiting at the elevator exit

So yeah, this happened. Literally as the door was opening, a poxburster jumps in our face out of nowhere and we had no way to react in time. It hurt everyone. It wasn’t a big deal because we were all full health, but imagine if we had grimoires and low health and it wiped us. That would be a huge issue and I think there should be some kind of safeguard to prevent 100% unavoidable poxbursters from spawning next to you.

Also, I’m pretty sure the frequency of the clicking noise is intended to indicate their distance (slower clicking = farther, faster clicking = closer), however, this doesn’t seem to be consistent or reliable.

Thats the grim dark for ya. I love these moments

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Yesterday had a poxbuster with almost no alert jump from the doors next to healing station on the investigation mission [with grims] & as the medical station was like right to those doors it was like instant open & he straight jumps at me [he didn’t stand like they usually do before moving from doors & it was also his “first spawning location”] I think the distance was so short he like went straight to jump after door opened] & kaboom… especially when I was in half of the healing procedure …dead from half hp on Sharpshooter[yeah like 45/50hp rest was grimuar corruption].

Good thing that I was last to heal & rest of team was a “bit further” :stuck_out_tongue:

… can we have those “magic doors” away from healing stations & alike like elevators… especially medical stations like 4-5 meter away is to close imo. Or those medical stations moved a bit away from doors.

To be fair its likely that a poxburster spawned far away before you got onto the elevator and nobody heard it.

The specials spawning at your elevator is a common thing.

One time our team desperately hit the elevator button bc everyone was hurt and 1 dead, there were a bunch of specials when the elevator doors closed.

The moment we got to the bottom, the 7 specials we thought we escaped all came out the moment we exited the elevator and we were instantly all caught( I think it was 2 dogs and a netter.)

Since then I have learned to stop and listen for any specials before using the elevator and kill them before using it.

I have not had a swarm of specials surprise me at the bottom of an elevator since I’ve started doing this

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