Post Crash - unable to rejoin game, despite game still ongoing with a free slot

We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can investigate your issue properly.

Issue Description:
Unable to rejoin my strike team after a crash. Says the session was closed due to an unexpected error. I know people in the strike team, they have a bot still and are still playing.

Crash Report (If Applicable):
Not applicable

Error Displayed (If Applicable):
Says the session was closed due to an unexpected error.

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. GPU Crash
  2. Attempt to rejoin the game
  3. Unexpected error with host.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Uhh… The coolant one.


Player ID:
See Logs

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
See Logs

Reproduction Rate:
Rare (<10%)

console-2022-11-24-17.45.19-66e86924-061b-4e56-8e9b-61d6943a0bd6.log (63.4 KB)

The relevant section of the log seems to be:

17:45:31.870 [Lua] INFO [StateTitle] Changing state signing_in -> loading_packages
17:45:31.893 [Vivox] Initialized
17:45:31.893 [Lua] INFO [PrivilegesManager] Using permissive privileges manager
17:45:31.893 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/c9b5c8bc-391b-47d6-b122-760b7fe00024/characters/69e8a45f-6605-41f4-a3fd-bcb84a0240fa/data/narrative
17:45:32.164 [Lua] INFO [PartyImmateriumManager] Reconnected to strike team
17:45:32.170 [Lua] INFO [PartyImmateriumManager] State changed from none to in_mission
17:45:32.170 [Lua] INFO [MatchmakingNotificationHandler] State changed none -> in_mission
17:45:32.244 [Lua] INFO [XboxLive] Setting activity... connection_string: i:63d729d4-92de-492d-ae70-7568e3cba9a8:zamfL, party_id 63d729d4-92de-492d-ae70-7568e3cba9a8, num_members 1
17:45:32.244 [Lua] INFO [XboxLive] Setting activity... connection_string: i:63d729d4-92de-492d-ae70-7568e3cba9a8:zamfL, party_id 63d729d4-92de-492d-ae70-7568e3cba9a8, num_members 1
17:45:32.244 error:   [Lua] ERROR [XboxLive] XboxLiveUtils.available(): Xbox Live not available
17:45:32.244 error:   [Lua] ERROR [XboxLive] XboxLiveUtils.available(): Xbox Live not available
17:45:32.644 [Lua] INFO [PresenceManager] received push message={
	type = "event_trigger",
	source = "instanceShutdownEvent",
	payload = "{"event_name":"game_session_aborted","args":[{"game_session_id":"e36acdbf-d33b-48a0-97a4-5d9bae936675"}]}",
17:45:32.758 [Lua] INFO [PartyImmateriumManager] State changed from in_mission to none
17:45:32.758 [Lua] INFO [MatchmakingNotificationHandler] State changed in_mission -> none
17:45:34.906 [Lua] INFO [StateTitle] Changing state loading_packages -> legal_verification
17:45:34.930 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /data/c9b5c8bc-391b-47d6-b122-760b7fe00024/account/data/legal
17:45:35.548 [Lua] INFO [StateTitle] Changing state legal_verification -> done
17:45:35.565 [Lua] INFO [GameStateMachine] Changing state to StateMainMenu
17:45:35.565 [Lua] INFO [FrameRateManager] Reason "main_menu" requested. Setting frame rate to 0
17:45:35.565 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /matchmaker/regions
17:45:35.565 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementLoading] State changed StateTitle -> StateMainMenu
17:45:35.565 [Lua] INFO [ConstantElementOnboardingHandler] State changed StateTitle -> StateMainMenu
17:45:35.575 [Lua] INFO [ScriptWorld] Registering level named: "content/levels/ui/main_menu/main_menu" with id: 1
17:45:35.596 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: POST /store/c9b5c8bc-391b-47d6-b122-760b7fe00024/dlc/reconcile?platform=steam
17:45:35.603 [Lua] INFO [ScriptWorld] Registering level named: "content/levels/ui/portrait/portrait" with id: 1
17:45:35.665 warning: [DDGIVolume] memory leak in ddgi volume, this is a reminder for fixing this!
17:45:35.674 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /social
17:45:35.828 [Lua] INFO [BackendManager] title_request: GET /social/c9b5c8bc-391b-47d6-b122-760b7fe00024/friends

So the game session in question is e36acdbf-d33b-48a0-97a4-5d9bae936675

We’re looking in to this. Thank you!