Please stop wasting my time with perk rerolls

Ruins the mouse twice as quickly and busts the springs in gamepads twice as fast.

For real, how the heck is Fatshark this deaf to player feedback?
We ask for the Refinement system to give us what we want by the time we’ve burnt enough resources to get to the ‘free’ stage… We ask to at LEAST get Tier-4 rolls ONLY at that stage if they don’t wanna just give us a drop-down menu to select our maxed perks from…

And don’t even get me started on how bad the RNG is for Brunt’s Armory.
I’ve spent two bloody days rolling for a singular gun and have yet to get any raw stat rolls at or above 360… Let alone 370+.
It’s a sadistic, infuriating waste of my time, effort and focus.
The update to make sure folks at lvl.30 only roll above 300 has had practically no effect, because folks at lvl.30 DO NOT WANT GEAR WITH RAW STAT ROLLS BELOW 360.

Like, it’s immediately trashed. Ain’t even worth breaking down for a trait, because when you roll them from Brunt’s Armory they’re grey rarity and thus would take several upgrades to even get a trait on them to melt-down for later… Not to mention the fact that said trait roll, like the raw stats, could easily end up being a dud; a tier-1 or otherwise garbage trait.

Fatshark ought to be ashamed of themselves for the egregious layers upon layers of flat RNG in this game.