Do you really intend for us to stand around for an hour clicking a button waiting on our perfect roll to show up at max tier. Seems like stupid game design. I rather would be playing the game rather than playing slots for free after a while. I just spent 20 minutes rolling my trinket and still could not get the full 5% toughness perk.
Hey, at least they got rid of VT2’s progress bar.
Small steps!
You like to complain ?
I get it it’s nice sometimes.
Anyway don’t worry you will run out of diamantine long before one hour.
No, it gets cheaper each time and is eventually free.
someone who has used the system instead of just being mad because I am being critical of the game. nice to see.
It gets free ?
Eh didn’t know it went all the way there.
Anyway, don’t see any issue with free rerolls.
Also, you actually run out of plasteel first
The issue is that once its free, there is no reason or point to randomly selecting a perk anymore. It doesn’t cost anything other than your time.
Once you’ve rerolled enough to hit the free cost, the game should either :
Only roll max tier perks
Show a list of all perks for the player to select from
The issue is that once become free, it’s just a time sink.
This, having to keep doing free rerolls to get a perk you want is mind-numbing.
I’d rather just be able to pick the perk I want, because at the point where it just makes it free, you’re literally just making it a function of people’s time and patience whether they care enough to get the perk they actually want at the right level they want it at.
I got lucky that this only took me 5 minutes:
20 minutes to get a T4 Maniacs perk on my Eviscerator
26 minutes to get a T4 Unarmoured perk on my Flamer
Thats after hitting free cost
I understand the point yes.
Right now there are probably other priorities than developing new UI elements for that.
But they only just made the UI element for this and decided it’d just be a time sink instead of caring about your time. It’s nice that it was made, but it could’ve been made better, is what we’re saying.
There are 100% more important things to work on.
However this is something they just finished developing and adding it to the game. It really does not paint a great picture of Fatshark. Did anyone test this first? I have a feeling no
Wow so we’re actually…back at VT2 rerolling things for minutes at a time to get what we want. I honestly thought that line in the patch notes was a typo. It makes sense now.
And it comes with the added bonus that you need to find a perfectly rolled weapon, with a perfectly rolled first perk. Which means you either find a perfectly stat’d green with a perfectly stat’d first perk, or get a perfectly stat’d white and consecrate it and pray to them Emperor that first perk it rolls is perfect.
I get they don’t want perfect weapons “easily”, which is where VT2 landed after introducing upgrading to reds. And I suppose that once Blessing swaps are in, really we’re talking about one perk that may or not be perfect, once you find a good max roll white.
Still. If they’re going to stick with this, then we need the ability to strip a weapon back down to white. There’s no way I’m going to keep gambling on rare, perfectly rolled weapons to pass my time, and scrap them and go back to something else when they inevitably fail to roll what I need. That loop just sounds like constantly being disappointed.
NGL, I had the most fun with VT2 once I’d escaped the gear grind. The system in DT is so byzantine it’s like it’s asking you to just forget about optimizing your gear to a T. There’s a lot of options, and better options than in VT2 for what gear actually does for you. But getting it there now seems like a real chore.
But don’t you get it guys? Fatshark is moving away from RNG by not allowing us to reroll all perks. They’re saving us the hassle of rerolling all 2 or 3 by forcing us to accept 1 or 2 perks or rendering the equipment bricked due to poor perk roll.
It’s a minute shift away from their previous systems, in the completely wrong direction.