Please release the withheld cosmetics

The biggest problem I have with the development of cosmetics is the fact that they already have a huge supply ready and available. You can browse them if you use a mod.

Everything from clothing items, backpieces, new emotes, new team poses that are just lying around the gamefiles gathering dust.

Release that stuff already, so at least we will be busy putting outfits together while we wait for the genral development of the game.

PS: Stop rotating the mTX store and just put up everything for purchase at once.



Please also release the cosmetics that have been continuously been used in new promo material, marketing, cutscenes, and NPC gear since even before release yet are still unobtainable.

Including but not limited to Veteran’s flak armour with gorget in red and black, black helmet with mask and goggles, vox headset with no mask, Psyker’s visor with no mask, Zealot’s book back accessory and Ogryn’s armour.


Yeah I totally agree with this, this store rotation doesn’t make any sense. Just put everything in the store!

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Damn, the fact that there is a mod to browse this kind of thing would make it even more painful to look at. Cause there are so many possibilities to make certain combinations look good that the wait time its starting to become unbearable.

I know its a FPS game, but I also like complimenting others on their looks and other people complimenting me for the great attire. At least it makes me feel a lot better about my characters.

Also please add more hairstyles for females and males alike.
Thank you.

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They are waiting to put them in the paid cosmetics store. You will be happy with your random recolors of penance cosmetics, rejects.


There are also numerous unreleased penance sets. Some have the titles of the skill trees/roles, such as “Squad Leader’s”, “Gun Lugger’s” and so on.

What’s the mod? :smiley:

Sent you a DM :email:

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Lemme know if his version doesn’t work. I can also provide you with it.

There’s an astounding amount of cosmetics already done for each class. If they’d just add them as penance unlocks it’d boost playtime massively. Me and all VT2 players I know grinded out every Legend character specific frame, armor as well as all white chaos wastes armors back when they got released.

It’s a fun way to chase something. I don’t understand why FS won’t utilize it. I reckon they’re saving it for the next shitstorm to buy back positive player sentiment.


Rember back in like 2007 when army painters let you have whatever color you wanted just for buying the game? This could still be a thing. The armor sets themsleves don’t need to be a specific color. Their geometry is the selling point.

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Given the extremely haphazard appearance of the “extended development” up-priced Krieg skins, particularly the Veteran that looks like someone made a skin of their Cosplay outfit, it’s hard to be terribly excited for additional cosmetics.

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Don’t worry. It sold like hotcakes.
That could have just been xbox free money though. We don’t know.


The irony is that the penance sets for Gunlugger and other skill trees are already there, ready for use and named, so why didn’t Fatshark include them in the update?


I reckon they’re trying to stretch and spread the ‘content’ as much as possible. I assume we’ll get it as a surprise when the next shitstorm hits.


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