Please reconsider completely isolating character progression

The fact that your characters are completely isolated from one another in terms of progression - to the point where they:

  • Don’t share money.
  • Don’t share hub progression (hope you like maxing every character so you can actually test their weapons on dummies)
    …and more.

Really makes the game feel like an artifically inflated grind in the vein of an F2P Live-Service game.
This isn’t an MMO.


Reviewers aren’t going to be kind when they realize that in 15 hours of gameplay, you’ll have tried out maybe 20% of all the existing weapons. And that’s being generous.
It’s 2022 ; pretty graphics and some pew-pew coop action isn’t going to wow them when this game is very much not user-friendly or easy to pick up by today’s standards.


Actualy this is also in mind to new players. If majority will be experienced, new ones will have trouble getting matched and may avoid the game altogether.

How does sharing things like money and hub progress, or even curious, stop new players from finding matches? You still have to grind up levels and generally won’t start pushing Threat 3 and Threat 4 until Level 5 and 20 respectively.

Also what happend to the Progression topic that was up during the first beta?

Everything in the first beta is closed off, so we’d need to start a new topic to discuss it.

you get so much money it doesn’t matter if its shared (which is a bit of a cop-out, but I haven’t gone below 10k so far)
I agree that the test range should be open to all chars, but I also think its more important that its not locked behind a loading screen
the main progression of the tide games as a whole (outside of completionist content like getting all reds) is getting better at the game and feeling your skill level rise.