Why aren’t currencies shared among all characters? remake the contracts and make all currencies shared, the current system punishes people who play multiple characters, and rewards people who play one, both type of players could spend the same time, but one of them will have all his rewards on one character, while the other has some broke and some alright characters, this needs to be changed, whatever “gameplay goals” fatshark has; are definitely not in the players’ favor.
Yet another post about shared currencies
So what new angle does this post offer? A big fat nowt!
Read some dev shizzle and you’d know FS is looking at it. “Yet Another” anything shouldn’t be considered to be adding to any point when it’s being addressed.
I’d like a quote on that. As far as I’ve read its not something they’re planning on adressing.
"Progression Siloing and Shared Ordo Dockets
Since launch, we’ve seen feedback from many players requesting shared progression across characters to ensure a smoother progression loop. Our designers are taking this feedback seriously and are discussing how to best implement a solution that meets our players’ desires and gameplay goals while also striking a balance with the game’s design intent. This is a sizable endeavor, and its feasibility is still unknown, we hope to be able to share more information on its progress at a later time."
(I have no idea who thought that the current design was a good one. Tencent excepted. Perhaps.)
There is so much well worded blur in there…
- The design intent clearly is polarly opposite to something that plays in the players’ favour, since otherwise they wouldn’t have implemented it that way. I do not want a compromise with that idea of the game, it is just plain bad and wrong.
- “sizeable endeavor” and “feasibility unknown” is bullshart, there is no way they managed to develop a back-end system that is that convoluted. Making resources account-wide should not be that big of a deal, they just don’t want to do it.
As much as I’d like to do that, it’s buried in some dev comment… It’s also mixed in with all the other pish they promised but I invite you to go rumage, it is there
Note also “shared ordo dock dockets” - no mention of whatever the upgrade/Melk currencies are.
If this were an adventure or RPG, the design would make sense. But it is not. One could argue that this approach to the currency gives the chance to earn a lot more of the Melk currency if the player regularly switches characters and that would be correct. But the shitty RNG lottery takes away so much that taking that as justification would be grasping at straws.
Oh definitely, if this was a solo rpg the siloing would make sense.
Problem is, even with lots of good faith and comparing it to what it most likely could be compared to in the rpgs category, being MMOs, even then they aren’t that siloed : you can trade, send other players and your other characters items and currency, etc.
Someone already posted it (lol). As you can see, they call it a “sizeable endeavor”, with “unknown feasability”, and are going make a compromise with the game’s “design intent”.
So hedging, wheedling, and useless maybes as usual. Really sad how this is the best they can offer for a simple, clear-cut problem with an equally simple, clear-cut solution.