Please Make the Prompt to Pick up Bigger for Cliffs

If someone falls off a cliff, why do you have to get directly over your teammate to get them up? I’ve fallen off so many cliffs trying to get my allies up after they’ve fallen because I have to literally stand on top of them in order for the prompt to “help” to pop up. This shouldn’t be a thing. The prompt to help your teammate up from the side of a cliff shouldn’t require the player to put themselves in danger of falling off the cliff themselves too. You should be able to help them up from a neat distance away, far enough to where you don’t have to LITERALLY be standing on the edge of the cliff face, but not far enough to where it’s cheesy. Currently, needing to stand on top of your ally, right next to the cliff face to help them up is unnecessary as it’s so easy to get thrown from cliffs via spawns, ogres, any sort of player collision, any sort of enemy pushes, etc. There should be a radius around the player that allows the prompt to appear and then the player can help up their ally like when they’ve been “wounded”.

EDIT: I’d also like to include that it’s not always obvious where sheer cliffs are. As some of them lead directly to the path you need to go to, but it’s “too far” down even though you’re just slightly off to the right or left of the platform you need to land on (i believe empire in flame is one of the maps where this can happen but there are more)