Please let us hold down the mouse to fire semi-auto weapons

Please let us hold down the button to shoot semi-auto guns.
Or add it as a toggle option in the menu.

The ability to hold down the button to fire weapons like the lightest lasgun varient & the las pistol at their base ROF without having to repeatedly click would be amazing.

Please consider adding this.


p sure theres a mod for this
also macros

There is.

FullAuto at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community


The mod has some annoying usage caveats to it. I’d enjoy if this was an actual well implemented feature. Or basically there’s just no reason to have those weapons be semi auto in the first place. It serves no purpose as a mechanic if it’s a high magazine weapon, just make them all full auto.


Yes, and?

Lot of games are actually implementing this from day one now including melee attacks. It usually doesn’t fire or swing at the max rate, but it gives the hands a rest.

I actually don’t use several weapons because you have to pull the trigger several thousand times per match. Combine this with a fast melee weapon…

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I know there is, but it’s annoying to use and keeps breaking and has some annoying caveats.


If you are on PC, there are mods to solve both of these problems.

Full auto (for ranged weapons) is linked at the top.

This here is the melee version (you can bind “hold to spam light attacks” to a key):
KeepSwinging at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community


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