Can we have a hold trigger option for semi auto?

On console if you try using a semi automatic weapon with the basically constant trigger use including melee, it ends up doing your finger in with the constant use. Can we have the option to toggle the semi auto fire rate to activate if we hold down the trigger instead? Like what they done in back 4 blood, it really helps


I’ve been asking for such an option for a while.

I really hope its something they consider, as with some weapons its genuinely painful to fire them rapidly. Can’t imagine how bad it is on controller! My sympathies.


I agree with this. I believe this mod may help for now FullAuto at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community


Pretty much in Destiny 2 from 3 years

we got a mod here for melee and ranged weaponry, helps for burst too

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Thank you lol. Yeah it’s rough on controller, especially with the infantry lasguns, which is a shame as I like using them.

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Thanks, unfortunately I can’t use mods I’m on xbox

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