Please for the love of the emperor... don't brick existing decent weapons

Hello Devs

Can you please confirm that my near perfect Recon Lasgun will stay the same and have that mAsTerY pRoGreSs fully unlocked from the get go for customization.

I dont want to grind any 10 minutes to modify or EnHaNcE my existing decent weaponary.

That’s all



All existing weapons are staying the same as they are now, but will have the possibility to be empowered to 380 (if they aren’t already 380). Blessings and perks on those weapons will remain the same.

Your sticker book of blessings will be gone and replaced with some kind of conversion to progression in the new Mastery system. We likely won’t be able to empower a weapon to 380 with T4 blessings/perks without the mastery for a weapon being fully completed. We don’t know what that grind looks like.


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