It’s a pretty simple bit of feedback and I’m sure I’m not the first to request this. But please implement some sort of balancing of versus teams.
- If 8 randoms join, how hard is it to split the players evenly across 2 teams, instead of having the 4 best players on one team and the 4 inexperienced on the other team. This happens almost every game and it’s beginning to feel more like a feature than a quirk or a bug.
- If 4-6 randoms join, balance the teams properly; no more 3vs1 or 2vs4 teams. It’s surely a very simply thing to add?
- If there is a premade team off high level players, either break them up to balance out the match or have them only playing other premade teams. Between the lack of balance with randoms and the constant sweaty premade teams, it’s killing a great mode.
That’s all.