The Lucius Hellbore Lasguns had their Stability greatly increased in the Signal Update (December 2022). Lucius Mk2 was missed, and has had the same terrible aimed stability as a bolt gun. Despite many players and myself passing this info along to the devs, it has avoided fixes many updates later still.
Issue Description (Required):
Please think of the Kriegers and let them aim their rifles with grim precision. Also the bayonet attack on Mk3 is jank.
I would also add the stagger power of that move to my list of possible bugs. Is it intentional that the Lucius Mk1/Mk2 bayonet attack can stagger Ragers when the Mk3 doesn’t? Is there any chance the Mk3 could get a combo including the stab? I want to like that move but its such a downgrade.