I know… and I consider it a bug cause an heavy hit should do more damages.
If you remember people complained that maniacs were too difficult to kill after that. Then here what they have to fix. Heavy hit should do more damages, but combat axe have to be weak against maniac and they have to pay attention to the efficiently of this weapon against maniacs after the changes.
Are you saying the fact is that a light attack SHOULD do more damage than a heavy attack?
Are you saying the fact is that Devs have left this as-is because people got mad, and therefore it’s not a bug because the devs said so.
If it’s the latter: then that I guess your statement is true. However to help the conversation move forward, it’s not a dissimilar argument to those made regarding the “not a shooter” being applied in old patches to the scabs (iirc) . And that “wasn’t a bug 'cos they said so” - right up until the point they decided to change it. Because it clearly was a bug looking back. And FotF too doing ranged bonus damage until they got around to fixing it.
I’m with you @Ralendil on actually applying some common sense; a heavy attack should do WAY more damage than a light attack. Even if they choose not to reduce the light damage and just increase heavy instead.
To avoid issue, they should instead describe these attacks as “Attack A” and “Attack B”. That way there’s no assumption one should do more damage than the other.
They did not leave it as is.
They changed it.
Then they deliberately changed it back.
So the state that it is in right now, is 100% deliberate and intended.
Therefore it is not a bug.
This is not comparable, because the description clearly stated one thing, when the ability did something else.
People said: either change the ability so that it fits the description, or change the description so that it fits the ability.
Something was objectively wrong.
That is not the case here.
A heavy attack does not, per definition, need to do more damage than any light attack, against every single enemy type.
Is it a bit strange? Sure. But it is not objectively wrong the way it is.
They reverted cause people complained. But still, this is not normal that an heavy hit does less damage than a light one.
If you cannot understand the point, I cannot explain it more. But as I know the way you discuss, we will stay at “you are against” and I won’t even bother the why.
By curiosity, what melee weapon has a range of 8 meters?
As I said discussion is pointless. If you can’t see why it is obviously not pointless but here it is worse than that… it is the contrary of what it should be. Heavy hit should do more damages than lighter hit.
I can’t even see a reason why you want to disagree here. Maybe cause it is a topic I created?
Probably none of them.
Who knows why they say that “melee range” means 8m.
Btw i am not saying that you can not argue for changing the maniac damage distribution.
I am saying that you can not call it a bug, because it is per definition not a bug.
A bug means that something is not working as intended. It does not matter if you like it or not. If it does not work as intended, that is a bug.
This is not a matter of opinion. If it does not work as it is intended, then it goes in the bug section.
In this case here, something is working as intended, but you do not like it.
That is the opposite of a bug. You want it changed because of your personal preference.
Demands based on personal opinions do not belong in the bug section.
they said close range was 8 meters… it all descriptions in the game. Still it was changed (and I think it was really uneeded cause it will transform close range in something that applies in 80% of the fights). But they changed it.
So, why could they not fix this total nonsense? (aka CA that does less damages with an heavy hit than with a light one)
EDIT: And I don’t even see the reason why you oppose to that… except maybe cause it is under my pseudo that it was posted.
This is…
The damages with a heavy hit are not higher than the one with the lighter hit.
Same attack (strikedown). Described as heavy… take more time than a light attack. Does less damage. So, I guess I can tag this a bug…
Originally, the light attack was not supposed to deal more maniac damage, but it did. It was not working as intended. A bug.
It got intentionally changed (fixed) and then worked as intended. No longer a bug.
Then it got intentionally changed back, again working as intended. Since that update, we know that the light attack is now supposed to deal more maniac damage. Again, not a bug.