Combat Axes inconsistent Maniac damage on heavy overhead

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

All Combat Axes (Achlys, Antax, Rashad) deal lower damage to Maniacs with their heavy overhead attacks than with any other attack, despite dealing more damage to all other enemy types. This inconsistency is seen only on heavy overhead attacks, as even heavy swipe on Achlys Combat Axe deals equal damage to Maniacs as to all other enemy types

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Go into Psykhanium
  2. Pick any Combat Axe
  3. View attack breakdowns, heavy overheads will have noticeably lower damage to Maniacs but higher to anything else compared to any other attack
  4. Use light attack on any Maniac
  5. Use heavy overhead on any Maniac
  6. The damage from heavy overhead will be lower

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

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Not a bug

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This bug has been acknowledged multiple times since release

Has it? Sorry, I haven’t searched the forums this time - just forgot. I’d expect the heavies to be at least equal, it’s one of those damn odd quirks like with Bolter doing 50% against Infested for no reason whatsoever - just worse.

Welp, hope they patch it in the next update. There’s really no reason to keep it as it is.

now it is

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This is the weakness of bolt weapon

Like combat axe should still have a maniac weakness… but not inverted damage chart. This point needs to be fixed.

They did ‘fix’ it once, by reducing light attack maniac damage to the point the unchanged heavy attack maniac did do more damage than the light. Let’s say the change was really unpopular and was reverted a hotfix or 2 later.


hopefully they address crits doing less damage on special activated eviscerator hits too

Post it as a bug

That’s better to track problems.

We’re working on it. :+1:


Can you, please, confirm that you took this problem in consideration? Thank you. (if confirmed, did not noticed myself)

I don’t believe that’s included in the upcoming changes. But it is in our database, and will be reviewed.


It wouldn’t strike me as a bug if it wasn’t for Achlys’ 1st heavy which does full damage to Maniacs. Even if the axes are meant to be weaker against Maniacs, 50% damage reduction is way overboard. It’s not like Maniac enemies are squishy.

here’s a link to the report

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