On the Rashad Combat Axe, heavy attacks do about half as much damage as light attacks to Maniacs. This is the only weapon type I have seen work this way, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Heavy attack should do at least the same, but probably more damage to Maniacs. The stagger values are also much lower, which makes even less sense. Heavy attack overheards on Maniacs should absolutely do more damage and stagger than light attacks.
It’s not just Rashad tho, other variations with fully vertical “strike down” attack patters are like that. Achylis or something, does ~250 damage to maniacs on it’s charged attack that only hits a single enemy, while lights do over 400
This is intentional and not a bug. Last year they changed it, although I believe instead of buffing heavies they nerfed light attack maniac damage, and people got so upset at them they reverted it. I doubt after that they will touch it again.
I don’t mind it too much, it’s an interesting quirck of the weapon, although it is very unintuitive and promotes more light attack spam.
Yeah I’d say this would be the trade off in the vacuum of looking at the 2 conventional axe types overall. Tactical axe has cratered carapace damage but 1.0x maniac. Combat axe does fine on carapace but cratered damage on maniac with your ideal move for single target. Idk if it makes sense anymore.
i don’t think heavys should be weaker than lights on any armor type. i will admit however that it’s reasonable for certain heavys to have less dps on a target than certain lights because of attack type vs armor type.
What’s interesting about the decision of making heavy lengthy attacks less damaging? Why ever use them then? Axes weren’t as good as other weapon options historically in Vermintide games, but they used to fit a niche of being good elite deleters/high single target damage. What we have now is an absolute joke of a weapon, that barely can deal with elites and doesn’t have the mobility of a knife, that deletes elites faster, is miles more mobile and better at dealing with hordes. This shite makes no sense.
While the blessing you mentioned is really strong, it is not enough to compensate for Axes being this bad, nor should this be the case to make a weapon “usable” or bearable to use only with certain blessings.
Talking out of my ass I guess, was thinking about Achlys MkVIII. But even still I wouldn’t call Rashad one of the best melee weapons in the game while there is a kitchen knife, power sword, Eviscerators and even the new mark of the Chain Axe. The lack of mobility of plain Axes, while they are being what they are, is just something I don’t really understand.
Combat axes actually have better mobility than eviscerators, chainaxes and power swords. They also can easily deal with any targets and don’t rely on special activations.
Right, mobility wise their dodge count is 5, over 4 (power sword, Evis, CA) and so is the dodge distance +9%, over -12% (PS, Evis, CA). My mistake, sprint speed is the same tho. Now in terms of killing and not relying on a special attack, specifically if it’s good - I don’t really get that argument. New mark of the CA kills elites faster than any Axe would, without Special activation. You one shot most of the stuff with a charged strike and your arching light attacks are better at CC.
Combat axes with Brutal Momentum are just better at horde clear.
But with chainaxes you are not forced to use brutal momentum so you can take Slaughterer + Headtaker for extra damage.
And the problem with special attack is that it’s difficult to use if there are more than 1 elite enemy because you should stick to a target to deal max damage.
Heavies are meant to do more damage because they take longer to do, and tend to leave you more vulnerable before, during and after using them. Light attacks being stronger just makes no sense. Mashing left click should not be rewarded more than riskier heavy attacks.
Interesting, thanks for the info table. The good thing about new mark of the CA, is that you don’t need to use special to deal good damage to elites, although there is a bit of bite in charged attacks. But like, I still don’t get why use Axes over a knife. Maybe that is a testament of how Knives are just OP
Yeah but that comes at a big disadvantage of you being stuck in place for the animation to deal damage. You of course can cancel out of it, but then you haven’t really done much to target of interest.
Yeah, this mark does not function properly. We can only hope FS fixes it some day.
Combat axes in general have the fastest clear speed on mixed hordes. A knife can kill any single elite faster but if you have to deal with a half-dozen scab bruizers, fifty poxwalkers, couple ragers, and a crusher at the same time, then a combat axe will come out ahead.