So i see a lot of people talking about how specific weapons are THE weapon to use for their hero, example would be spear for kerillian being regarded as the best weapon for her.
So my idea is maybe we could diversify the careers even more by having each one be more proficient in a certain weapon type or types like say handmaiden would be better at using spears or glaives than the other 2 careers so they could keep the weapons as they are now and each career could still use them but make it so that if you’re using a weapon your career is proficient in then you get some kind of bonuses like block radius or stamina or crit and attack speed or even cleave ability.
Anyone else think this is a good idea?
(i posted this on steam a few days ago and it got buried)
I’d rather have every weapon balanced, so all of them would be equally viable for all classes.
You can bet that nobody will use a weapon that’s any less effective than the rest. I really doubt that pigeonholing classes is the way to go, it feels like that would deviate even further from VT1.
it would disqualifie some weapon according to classes…there s no point into that, you suggestion brings lower/higher tier segregation problem within carrier context .
There s already some weapon unbalance goin in that way, makin some weapon hard to use, so useless.
lot of people need a “bis” chart to follow and so will parrot whatever their preferred source of bottom fed info is. imo the elf currently has 4 weapons that are all excellent and none that are bad.