Players grief kicking towards end of game, just like in Vermintide 2

"You have been kicked because ‘sorry I have my reasons…’ "

Reason most likely being you found a cargo crate and they want your slot for their buddy who dumped his game to come over.

The system doesn’t matter, what matters is keeping power OUT of the hands of those who will abuse it, which you can’t do without knowing the person. No set of written rules will ever not be abused by someone.

But there IS a trick that would work.

When someone is kicked, the game is saved, and they are put in the SAME game with no one else, just bots. They can finish or leave or wait for joins. Might also add a ‘safe zone’ they can stand in to wait for joins if they choose to.

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I think there’s a much easier solution in just giving people rewards even if they get kicked. You could put a cooldown on that like once per day and after that you lose everything like now, to prevent abuse. But either way it would still be better.

If I use the votekick feature - which happens super rarely -, I do it to get rid of a toxic / afk player. I don’t care one whit about how much extra punishment I can whip on them on top of that, I just want to fix our game that’s all. I would much rather give rewards to someone who didn’t deserve them, than rob those rewards of someone who did. Innocent until proven guilty etc, this should’ve been the norm since the start. Either way, people who consistently screw over their teams will earn their place on so many blocklists so fast soon they’ll have no-one to play with… I mean, that would happen if the block list was anywhere near large enough anyway. xD

I’m pretty sure I’ve never been kicked like this in Darktide, but I’ve seen enough friend groups do that in other games to know that it does happen. With people involved, this couldn’t have been a surprise to anyone least of all Fatshark. :frowning_face: