Played in Beta but got no rewards

Issue Type (Required):

Restore an Item

Issue Description (Required):

I played in the beta when the game was out in beta form and completed pretty much everything.

Sadly times got a little rough and I only got the game recently. I noticed that everyone who played the beta ended up getting rewards and I had none…? I thought these were tied to the account no matter when you joined as they mentioned in a previous dev post during the beta

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):

manasloth or Steam Community :: Sloth

[PC] Crash Report (Optional):


It sounds like you likely participated in the Closed Beta - unfortunately, the rewards were part of Pre-Order Beta participation. Apologies!

No worries…

What are the rules in name changes then since I’m here?