Playable Female Ogryns

Sorry for not updating, Internet was knocked out for a few days, long story, anyways, I did get more of this drawing done… 9_e


ah damn that came together really nicely.

great detail, thats legit more than worthy of comic book standerds.


Speed running getting deleted/banned I see :clown_face:

Please Julia just post screenshots of his deleted comments so that we can laugh at the audacity


Disrespecting Julia is a line that we just don’t cross.


Still no updates, been busy, especially helping cleaning the front yard (plus babysitting a small puppy too) ^^;


“ogryn like puppies!”


i mean, who doesn´t like puppies.

come to think of it even nurgle does judging by the hordes he sends to cuddle.


Honestly with my app, I can make an Ogryn hold a small dog or cat, the idea has actually came to mind too lol XD


To eat?

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smacks with newspaper

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I know they eat cooked rats, I also seen the armor in Darktide, so if I wanted to, then ya… ^^;

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I don’t.

Don’t take this the wrong way as I know how sexist it sounds but aren’t female Ogryns considered like a valuable commodity and not something they just tend to throw away unless she’s unbearing? I know they typically are the same size and strength but we never really see them in any game not just this one.

It’s not sexist it’s just 40k lore. You’re correct, theres stuff that describes Ogryn men to be EXTREMELY protective of the women


Even Darktide’s own ogryn introduction says thus:

To date, only male Ogryns have been seen on the battlefields of the Moebian Domain. If an inquisitive soul is brave (or stupid) enough to inquire an Ogryn about such matters, it’s a toss-up whether they’d get an annoyed low rumble in response, or an over-sized fist to the face.

So, maybe we oughtta quit nosin’ around before we catch some ham-hands.


There is always a way to fit the narrative.

These particular battle-femgryns could be infertile. Simples :ok_hand:

Or stop subscription and giving money to them and 3d printer goes brrrrrrrr

I am never giving money to GW ever again. Never going to support the pandering of narcissism.

And if what the post above says is true that Ogryn’s are overly protective of their females, then it makes perfect sense they are not in the game.

If it means nothing then why change the lore in the first place?

It’s always funny to see those that demanded change in the first place (not saying you), then state “it doesn’t matter anyway” when the backlash happens. Hypocrisy

The whole point about 40k was that it didn’t represent “modern times”, it represented a distant future of constant war.

There was no need to change anything, just as there is no need for female Ogryns in the game, and it doesn’t fit the lore anyway.

But I digress…

Thinking about it, another reason why we shouldn’t have female ogryn’s is that it will ruin the mystery of it all. It’s like in the same way, the BBC ruined the mystery of Dr Who. One of the great things about Dr Who was that nobody really knew where he came from, we knew he cam from Gallifrey, but that was it, the rest was shrouded in secret, it was mysterious and kept people guessing. Then the BBC decide to tell us where he come from, the murdering children over and over again, and know, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and the mystery is over.

Same goes for female Orgyns. I have always wondered what they were up to, it has always been open to speculation, especially what they they look like and I would rather keep it that way.

You don’t know always need to know or see everything. And it’s great to see FatShark keep it this way.


Also see the Entwives :deciduous_tree: :dash:

I’m sure they’re having a wonderful time with the Blue Wizards, nothing bad has happened to them surely… surely…

They are very provocative characters despite an almost complete lack of charactarisation, and that is something magical. Until Amazon creates the direct-to-critical-video-essay series completely destroying the lore and story :sob:

Applying that to Ogwives, I admit there is something of that magic there for me in the lore. However as a gamer they would be a fun addition — the more Ogryn the more better! The voicelines alone would make me smile so hard, I’m already enamoured with the current array of Oggie personalities :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I do wonder if there is an actual, real lore reason for there not being female Ogryns, or if they either simply didn’t want to model and VA them, or if GW told them they couldn’t depict female Ogryns.