Plasma Guns are Rubbish :-(

The gun is still garbage with more ammo between reloads.



I just tested it for over an hour…

Now that Hellbore has been tweaked, Plasma needs a big one too.

When compared to Helbore, the Plasma Damage is a bit of a Joke.
My Mk III is faster at full charge with 0.68s, my Plasma is at 0.81s in hipfire and 1.61 full charge.

Damagewise there is not much difference. Mk III deals 489 against a Damnation Crusher on Body and 856 on Head. Plasma deals 494 on Body with Hipfire and 1334 fully charged. It has no Headshot Bonus.
This means that two charge hits from Helbore are faster and deal more damage than a fully charged Plasma. Add in a headshot, and the difference becomes even higher.

The Punch-Through effect is there, but the explosion is not noticable at all. The distance it can penetrate through Geometry is also not very high.

In my Test, the explosion dealt around 86 Damage after penetrating, which rapidly decreased the farther away an enemy was from the Object.
When shooting next to an Enemy into the ground, the explosion deals only around 30 Damage. Considering that the Attack itself at full charge deals more than 1000, this is extremely low.


Also, anyone noticed the thing actually has iron sights on it? You can’t use them, but it has them.

Iam not convinced the Plasma Gun is still crap.

The Hellbore deals great with Elites and Specials, but is really slow in dealing with range camps. (The Monster damage is also nothing to scoff at.)
Plasma doesnt have trouble dealing with either. It just buckles when there is alot of something.

Venting now is much quicker than before, so the need to reload is basically zero. The problem is that if you intend to deal with eight elites, plus some range mobs you gonna take alot of vent damage.

The comparably low dps also means that it is likely that someone on your team kills elites you weakened, so your Volley Fire uptime is rather bad compared to other weapons, which doesnt only hamper the offensive side of the gun, but also means trouble for your toughness and DR uptime.

As I said, Iam not sure the PG is still garbage. What Iam sure of is that if we would be able to trade the fast equip speed for a faster fire rate, it would be an amazing piece. The fast equip speed on a gun that deals fine with everything is weird anyway. Its not like XII, which needs a melee to deal with carapace.

Not really. Now that we can actually aim with it (it seems a lot more stable too), it feels like a Sidegride to a Mk XII. Not as fast, but deals with Armor better. I dont have a good roll of it yet…but it already beats my Plasma when it comes to dealing with Monsters n stuff.

Yeah great, Plasma can deal a ton of Damage twice or so…but Helbore can do that over and over again, penetrates Armor too, and can hit Weakspots.
Factor in the time to reload and cool down, then no, Plasma can not really deal better with a Monster. My Plasma can fire 2 charged Shots, then it is at 86%, which means im a sitting Duck.

Well for the first time, I had fun using the gun.
Patch goes in a good direction, could have a slightly more visible visual effect.

Plenty of ammo in the gun, slow reload. Not the best gun and could use some more work with ADS aiming and some details.
Only bothersome thing is it doesn’t synergise with the talent recharging your gun on ultimate but hey, can’t have it all.

Venting is broken. It’s A FLAT DURATION. It doesn’t vent heat at a flat rate like you’d expect - it ALWAYS takes the same amount of time regardless of whether you’re venting at 32% or 100%. It’s incredibly ill-conceived and, frankly, makes the vent function utterly useless (since you’re supposed to keep heat below 40% to not self-damage). Spending 3s to vent 32 heat is a HUGE difference from spending 3s to vent 100 heat. It makes NO SENSE.

It should always vent 20 heat per tick, without exception. Maybe then the gun would actually be deserving of its slot as the Veteran’s primary weapon.


The plasma gun works on malice and below just fine, but on heresy and damnation the overheat/venting/dps shortfall will become extremely noticeable, you really should be taking the bolter for quickplay.

Vent heat clears larger chunks of heat the higher your heat level, getting you back to firing faster from near overload.

I think the Plasma Gun is pretty solid for what it is, a heavy sniper weapon. Their specific function is heavily influenced by their their combat rating distribution.

I would really like for it to use proper ADS.

I think I like it better how it is, but I’m not a fan of iron sights in general and that’s probably what we’d get stuck with.

the Plasma gun requires some rework I agree, for how slow it is, it needs to do more damage and/or be able to shoot more with it before it overheats, idk if it exists in the lore or not, but why cant the Plasma gun have the option to shoot in a cone shape for wave clears? also Bluwark shields shouldnt be able to block a “Plasma gun”, the shot goes through enemies, armoured and unarmoured alike, why a shield is blocking it?

I’ve been thinking about the plasma gun for a while and I think maybe its primary fire should not have overheat at all but the right click allows you to aim down the sights and charge at the same time, doing up to 50% more damage at full charge than the equivalent ammo consumed - enough to one shot an Ogryn with rolls high enough to kill one with a body shot in damnation. This would generate overheat and while primary firing the weapon it does not passively lose heat. The heat passively vented could steadily increase the longer it isn’t in use.

Right now the only reason you’d charge is if things were stacked up in a line for you to shoot but then you’re using your class very little. Plasma isn’t suppose to manage large numbers of enemies. It’s meant to take down the most elite infantry and monstrosities. By having a charge shot that can do enough damage to body shot kill ogryns, it would fulfill its role perfectly. The amount of overheat generated to do this can vary. Weakspot damage can be adjusted as well so as to not overly ruin bosses if that’s an issue, but bosses are a joke anyway. You’d probably take more damage venting than you would have taken if you had just used a bolter. You’d just be able to kill it faster. In VT2 a bounty hunter can kill a boss in literally 3 seconds by himself. Shad could do it in about 12 with a purple potion. If you could do that with the plasma gun, at least you’d be trading HP and/or the ability to deal with elites for a while. I say if you take a plasma gun, you should be killing anything bigger than you as soon as they appear.

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