Pickaxe and other weapon's hitboxes prevents headshots

Issue Description:
The Pickaxes hitboxes do not line up for the 1st heavy attack and is especially bad on 1st light attack and 2nd heavy attack to the point where the game will almost never register attacks as headshot and will sometimes even miss or hit when it really shouldn’t, this is a problem many weapons across all characters share as there attacks hitboxes are not accurate to the animations with it being especially noticeable on the dwarf due to needing to aim upwards to hit headshots

Steps to Reproduce:
Use the Pickaxe, see the tragedy, begin to cry because this weapon is umgak
Use any dwarf weapon and notice that the hitboxes are extremally jank
Use weapons on other characters and begin to notice inconsistencies


Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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Note that the 1st light attack never counts as a headshot but the 2nd one dose

This is because the hitbox is WAY lower then the animation suggests

Note that if it was headshoting it would be doing 43 damage as shown in the next video


Strange. I have never realized that but I do not play Slayer much so I almost never use that weapon.

this is an issue with multiple character’s weapons, saltzpyre’s rapier being another one. The issue comes with the hitbox of the weapon not matching what the weapon looks like. Pickaxe’s is much HIGHER than what it seems due to the dwarf’s stature but also the fact that you’re essentially trying to swing up at someone’s head with a gigantic box on a stick. And if it even hits a shoulder pad or an elbow it’s no longer a headshot. Saltzpyre’s rapier is also a higher hitbox than what the rapier seems (and this one is honestly one of the more egregious in my opinion) where the hitbox is MASSIVELY bigger than the rapier itself and so aiming at the target’s head will more often than not have you striking their chest or shoulders first. Unless they tighten up the hitbox of the enemies more (which is unlikely to happen seeing as that’s a ton of work and the beastmen hitboxes are already borked) this isn’t going to change soon. Which is kinda sad cuz it means weapons you would expect to work a certain way actually don’t or require you to really know your combination well and know which strikes hit where on the enemy. Which just comes with time and practice, but it would definitely make it easier if the reticle for melee was more of a “you’re going to hit here” instead of just a suggestion of “you might hit here but if the enemy is doing any animation you won’t”

I was thinking they would change the hitboxes on the weapons rather then enemies because it’s at fault for these issues and as seen for pickaxe heavies, having the hit register only on the bottom third of your screen for your overhead on the short character is egregious. I can only pray that their not too busy with darktide to try and fix this. (they should still fix beastmen though because their still umgak lol)

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