I am honestly curious, does anyone else think this entire “perfect dodge” system is just extremely dumb? I can be in the midst of a horde of hundreds of enemies, dodging left and right, avoiding tons of trappers, dogs, mutants, crushers, maulers, everything physically possible - yet UNLESS a WHOOSH sound plays - NONE, I repeat, NONE OF that dodging counts as a “dodge”.
I have been considering trying the duelist talent but one of the reasons I avoid it to begin with is because needing to WAIT for that sound to SPECIFICALLY play in the midst of a clusterf*ck of tons of sounds/interactions - I am supposed to pay attention to a WHOOSH sound, is that about right?
If I dodge an attack, that should be considered a PERFECT dodge because I didn’t take damage. Is there a hidden mechanic in the game where if I dodge .2 seconds later we will get help from the God-Emperor himself and that’s why it’s considered a “perfect dodge”? I understand the concept of PERFECT parry, but remove this dogsh*t mechanic from dodging, please.
Edit: not to mention the sound doesn’t even play 50% of the time so its COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE IN A REAL HORDE.
There’s no such thing as a perfect dodge, what are you on about? Dodging s extremely generous, and the “whoosh” sound cue only plays if the enemy is attacking from an angle you can’t see, which explains your reported inconsistency.
Timing the dodge only really comes in when evading specialists or crusher/mauler overheads. Otherwise, proccing dodge-based buffs (and general damage avoidance) is as simple as just occasionally mashing the dodge button while in combat (just don’t exhaust your dodges).
It’s possible that the dodge-related buffs have an internal cooldown if you dodge several attacks in quick succession. I know they don’t proc if you dodge a Gunner’s stream of bullets. I’ve seen them proc consistently playing Zealot with dueling sword and Agile.
That is good to know, after all this time I thought it was that sound lmao. Then again I never really thought to look it up until now because I assumed that was the mechanic mostly. Thanks for clarification
Why do people love dance dance revolution? Yes, it looks extremely dumb to me and I had a friend who would pump up their nike sneakers and play that at the arcade everyday, but its because timing things up (or perfect) is fun! Therefore I disagree with OP.
An understandable mistake. Darktide is very vague about this cue existing - I’m more attentive than most other gamers, so I made this association almost immediately, but I can see how you’d get confused.
We ought to have a handbook for Darktide like Vermintide has added - little bits of trivia. Even then, VT2’s handbook is very barebones at the moment.
Most here already brought up what it was/how dodges actually work, but I will say, I’m PRETTY sure the ‘woosh’ sound only happens when you are specifically dodging bullets, primarily when they are coming at you parallel to you.
This mainly being used to notify you (primarily when you are sprinting) that your actions are indeed dodging the things you intend them to, but I’m pretty sure that’s the ONLY time the woosh happens, otherwise there’s no sound cue associated with it.
This could just be a side effect of me always having the things that are threatening me in front of me, but I know I’ve been locked in a horde before and never gotten the notification until bullets where ‘wooshing’ past my face. I’m pretty sure it’s just a ‘you are now dodging range fire, get out of line of sight’ indicator, and only procs while you are dodging said ranged fire verses eating it to your toughness between dodges/not sprinting. (though with an agile dueling sword, you never really have to care about that due to dodge resets, but hay for anything else it’s a good thing to know!).
But yeah, as others have said ‘successful dodges’ are basically happening all the time if you are hitting dodge while in front of a horde, just look at the bottom left and you’ll see all those juicy buffs cycling constantly. (Unless you play lower level difficulties, in which case it would make more sense that that isn’t happening to much, as one to two slow moving groaners likely don’t get the chance to even try to hit you before they fall over).
Personally I wish that perfect block mechanics were explored further. I know a few blessings deal with it, but they’re all pretty either too weak or too constrained by cool down to be much good.