[PC] Vermintide 2: Three Year Anniversary


The 3-Year Anniversary of Warhammer: Vermintide 2’s launch on PC is just around the corner, and with that, we of course want to celebrate! Vermintide 2 officially launched on PC on March 8, 2018.

Between March 5 - March 14 players on PC will be able to play the celebratory mission ‘A Quiet Drink’ , earn Double XP all throughout the Anniversary, and we will be doing daily giveaways over on the Vermintide Twitter.


These past 3 years have gone by super quickly, and we are humbled and grateful for each and every one of you. Without you, our players, we would not have been able to continue with the development of Vermintide 2 and now Darktide as well. Thank you for all of your feedback, fan art, bug reports, streaming, and of course, thank you for loving Vermintide 2. Let’s celebrate together to highlight the past 3 years, and the years to come!

/The Vermintide 2 Team


For all my complaints about slow bugfixes and lack of status updates i do still really like the game, thank you peeps over at Fatshark for releasing it^^


Welp 3 years people going to have the same anniversary map and that’s all not even a budget new hat or a cake, i’m so hyped i cannot contain myself.


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Congrats 3 years anniversary :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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Same idk what people are complaining about. Double XP and the same old map, aren’t y’all excited??


:partying_face: Happy anniversary V2! It’s not much, but I really appreciate the anniversary hub skin with fireworks and the MUSIC from V1 YES! <3


@Fatshark_Hedge, please! Make 'A Quiet Drink’ map available forever! Without using mods / exploits! :rose:


It is back! :smiley: Time to slap the beerstein frame on and go on a bender.

Congrats Fatshark! Thanks for the years of fun, and thanks in advance for the years to come.


On the off-chance that it may spoil someone’s surprise I won’t be too explicit, but thank you for all the rats and Taal’s Horn Keep. :rat:

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Any news on that expansion we’ve heard absolutely nothing about for 5 months? A trailer? A screenshot? Literally anything? No? Ok.


As a person who started playing on first anniversary - events like that are a cool thing for new players.

As a somewhat of a veteranish player now: this is literally nothing to a seasoned player.

There’s so many frames in the game that are not added that could be used for this anniversary, there’s no information about CW at all. Nothing. This is kinda worrying :worried:


I always thought frames and paintings are the cheapest additions of this game. They are just 2D pictures with so limited places to show off.

And now we’re not even getting those, in this 3 years anniversary.


Such a pitiful anniversary for such a great game! :tada: :sob:

I guess they are currently working on it. Which could explain the “no frame” part of this event.

What a strange demand. What would they serve next year? Do you expect them to do a map for each anniversary? Thats one map a year! Time to eat our three year old, rewarmed mush, and be thankful for it.

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I’m a bit disappointed with this 3 year anniversary so far. I was hoping for something to commemorate this event, like a Frame or a Painting.

But I bet something exciting will happen on the 8th.
From what I read on Twitter, the giveaways will start on that day, so they will probably be streaming.
Perhaps then we’ll get some information on Chaos Wastes, the next new classes, Versus or Darktide?

In fact, ‘A Quiet Drink’ map can be played all year every day.

There is a mod that allows it. But it is still not sanctioned for the Official Realm.

There is an easy exploit that allows you to play this map using this mod in the Official Realm.

That is, the map is always available, only in a slightly inconvenient way.

My suggestion: need to give a legal way. For starters, thay can sancion mod.

But it is better to create a special activated object in the Taal’s Horn Keep (for example, an empty barrel of Bugman’s ale), which works on the principle of the “Fortune of War” activator. And give normal access to the map.

Thay can hide such an activator in a secret place - and 90% of random players will not even guess about such an option.


Congratulations on the 3rd year anniversary and thank you for this awesome game!

Just started playing a month or two ago. By no stretch would I call myself a gamer, but my brother introduced me to the game at a very stressful point in my life so that I could vent out my anger and frustration at the vermin. My first time gaming (yes, I struggled with the keyboard commands and movement) and I love it!

Question though – I’ve got bottles of ale strewn about my keep after several drunken brawls at the tavern and would like to know how to clean it, lol. I thought quitting the game would fix it, but when I played again, it’s still there. Will this be tidied up after the anniversary event?

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It is indeed tied to the event, you don’t clean it. It should disappear after the event.