[PC] Vermintide 2 - The Big Balance BETA - Update #3 & Hotfix #1

Game on Xbox, my gamertag is Kurt Kobain X, currently Legend mode. After seeing the descriptions of the last update (BETA on PC) I was discouraged from playing. They will lessen the damage of most characters with main damage as secondary (DOT) will increase some specific damage, but will result in NERF. I like the game, but with the connection falling, AI getting worse and worse (BOTS), resistance of BOTS Legend mode is very low, NERFs constant being that the game is PVE … if they implement this on Xbox I stop playing and I will not buy more dlc and future games WVermintide.
Please Fatshark change your strategies for the game.

Lot of crickets in here…

The beta is over, the thread should have been locked when the patch went live - fixing!

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