[PC] - Vermintide 2 - Patch

So occasional threads about a misunderstood underplayed character meant he was popular? You can look at steam statistics as well my guy, kruber in general has always been least or second least played. Yes huntsman was able to one shot things he was made to be able to one shot, that was his thing. Other careers have things they can do better than he could/can, that doesn’t make them broken or necessarily better or worse. No, this is not balance at all, they ruined the character for people that played him mostly. This only seems ok to you because you couldn’t have cared less about him until you saw threads crying OP.

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By this logic iron breaker could literally be immortal and it would be fine because he is meant to be a tank.

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Can you elaborate? Not really sure what you’re trying to say…if you’re attempting to say that a squishy ranged damage dealer that specializes in countering armor shouldn’t be able to one shot special armored enemies then…just don’t lol

… rofl, dude, i’ve been fine with huntsman all along actually, regardless of what you believe, because it’s a class that rewards skilled play, and i’ve been arguing against people who think that he’s mediocre. you say they’ve ‘ruined’ the character, like hello? they made a mistake and reverted him? so what’s ruined now? you need to stop arguing with your ego, look at things objectively.

being a lesser played class does not mean that class is imbalanced. i’m also arguing against that train of thought. popularity does not equate to balance. you must have missed my pyro statement conveniently, she’s at 5% poll.

when the heck did i say that?

ok, i’ll stop now. i can’t discuss with irrationality.


You’ve said you have yet to try him. How about you stop arguing with such certainly before you DO go and try him, because he hasn’t been reverted, he has been made worse than ever.


I never said being underplayed meant underpowered I countered your suggestion that kruber was a popular hero before the recent changes. I literally JUST said you can also look at steam stats, you don’t need to look at poll (though they both show pretty much the same thing). Further, as I’ve already said numerous times here on the forums they did not revert the change that made his damage obscene, they nerfed almost every aspect of longbow kruber and he is performing worse than he did on release.

fair enough!

If this was a PVP game I’d agree with you but if only the 99th percentile of the playerbase performs well with a character, that character isn’t balanced in a PVE environment. Just because some of us can do well on something most people don’t/can’t isn’t a sign it’s OP. If, when we as skilled veterans try our best on a class and everything goes right, our output is no better than just playing normally on another class, that class is probably underpowered.

I’d prefer a class with a high skill ceiling that’s still appealing to the average player as opposed to one where the skill ceiling caps out slightly below every other class’ middle-of-the-road.

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the thing is, in 1.0.8 and before, it was always the same argument. people feel that huntsman was weak, and that the best they could do never could outshine another strong player, but that wasn’t my experience at all. i feel that the huntsman was a class that greatly multiplied on the players skill, being extremely effective in the hands of a skilled player, vs being mediocre in the hands of a bad one, which is why i say it’s a balanced class. people don’t see it the same way tho, like you, and believe the huntsman is handicapped regardless of skill level, which i don’t believe in.

but yes, i should shut my gap till i try him out in the new patch. cheers


Totally agree there and I think there definitely was an element of “git gud” to be had in the period to which you’re referring. I don’t want to conflate the class being kinda boring with it lacking potential. I think where he was at before this nerf was close to perfect aside from his boss damage being too extreme.

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This is a melee focused game.

@Avar @mookanana @Plutarcho @CommanderJ @Licious-D

Guys, WTF?! You have been discussing Huntsman power for a week already. Isn’t that enough for you? Or you decided to flame patchnotes comments with this stuff also? Is every topic will end up in Huntsman discussion now?

I mean you’re all obviously aware this topic, except @Plutarcho maybe. Why not just stick to it? If you think it’s too big now, just start a new one. Just please stop filling other topics with this pointless Huntsman discussion, cause it’s becoming ridiculous now.


It’s not primarily about huntsman, but about how things are handled. Huntsman being “broken” (apart from the obviously overtuned boss damage) and him now receiving the treatment he did are symptoms of the same thing, two sides of the same coin if you will. The nerf-bat has destroyed countless games in the past, and I don’t want this to happen again, especially considering how seemingly random things are being nerfed, apparently just because of anecdotal and quite frankly rigged evidence.

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Hunts seems fine to me right now.
My feeling is he is not worse than he was @ 1.0.7.
I played a bunch of legend maps with him last night.
With 20% power with active 25 talent, crit chance, power vs monster and chaos, decanter trait, he can still wreck bosses with a conc pot and x1 headshot CW with active.
I played him a lot in 1.0.7 and through to

He is very rewarding and fun when spec’d correctly.

IMHO decrease his CD a bit and remove crouching animation with active and he will be good to go!

Anyway…thats just my experience with him.
Also, 1 hand mace rules!


Weaker than 1.0.7, useless active, killing patrol role lost… but we still have darker screen and crounch animation with active and terrible weapon swap.

P.s we can’t full crit and power vs monster, we need 23% armoured/skaven and 6.5% chaos to reach some important breakpoints.


Its a straight up fact he is mathematically the weakest hes ever been there is no “git gud” factor here. Nothing you can do will allow you to reproduce what he used to be capable of. As Licious pointed out this is just part of a bigger problem where fatshark have a LOT of trouble balancing things. As I’ve said elsewhere on the forums a lot of people are upset about this particular patch because they swung and miss and really damaged a class that had a small dedicated group of people playing it. NOBODY cared WHATSOEVER about the state of huntsman 2 patches ago but now a character I’ve put hundreds of hours of farming into is made worse than hes ever been because a bunch of casual players who already had a vendetta about “RaNgEd MeTa” based their entire opinions of a misunderstood career around ONE PATCH which inadvertently broke him.

I do not ever think his boss damage this last patch was balanced but seriously go look up ANY article about huntsman before this last patch and everyone is asking for buffs…The broken damage had nothing to do with huntsman intrinsically they just screwed up the math and would rather make concessions for bad casual players and over-nerf him.


Im really sad to see Kruber and Bardin get nerfed. The only reason I began enjoying playing their Ranged careers was because they had autocrit on their ults, giving them a solid way to do damage and regen ammo. I understand it needed SOME nerf, but now Im back to playing as Sienna, Saltzpyre, and Kerillian because theyre the only ranged classes that can keep themselves topped up.
Kruber and Bardin have super weak ranged careers and its because they cant fire most situations without running dry.
Just give us back Ranged careers with infinite ammo.

EDIT: and kruber’s ult now feels very underwhelming, worse than Shade for boss damage, worse than shade for high difficulty Chaos Warrior killing.


How is it worse than shade though?
I can kill at least 2 CW with my active in legend w/headshots.
Thats about what shade can do right?
Ofc she has a shorter CD.

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Huntsman you can take talent and conservative shooter to get 3 ammo back on headshot. Or take increased crit talent + scrounger and regen on hordes. Or talent for 100% ammo on boss death…

Bardin drops ammo from specials and you can increase that with talent… Plus access to conservative shooter or scrounger.

Really easy to stay topped off on either career, unless you’re just spamming with bad aim.

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Hmm, been away for a week, but I could swear I didn’t have such a pronounced fisheye effect before. Feels like it doesn’t quite change with settings, either.
Edit: Seriously, this is horrible. I stand ~3 meters from lohner and at the screens edge he is twice as wide than in the center. I did not have that before. Maybe other players always had it look like that, I dunno.