Pc Reboot Loop

We kindly ask that you complete the questions below. With this information, we can investigate your issue properly.

Issue Description:

Crash Report (If Applicable):
[Please see instructions on how to provide a crash report in the pinned Topic]

Error Displayed (If Applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. Launch game through steam
  2. Get to player select screen
  3. Pc Reboot

Map Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
Steam ID: Tomajaytee

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
8:30pm February 1st, 2023 central standard

Reproduction Rate:

There will be an underlying driver or hardware-related explanation for your issue. Please see: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360038965013--PC-How-to-Resolve-PC-Crashes-Loss-of-Responsiveness-or-Blue-Screens-BSOD-

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