Patch #4 - Blessings of the Omnissiah

Personal opinion:

Except the Rashad that is not yet fixed (and so useless, please don’t use this axe), I am personally satisfied:

  • The increase of the materials is welcomed
  • The costs for the crafting have been lowered, again this is welcomed
  • The shared blessings library is a great thing (I was in favor of this, nice that you listened to this)
  • Armoury set is really a great addition that I asked and thanks for this
  • Mission board… good to get more missions. Now please make them that they could have any existing conditions
  • they have let the shop… and that’s really a good point

Now what annoys me (except the Rashad…)

  • Interface for the weapons… What happened? a beer has fallen on all code pages and you had deleted the code of the interface???
    • They removed ways to sort the weapons… now it is difficult to find what we want
    • a possibility to sort between weapons type, would be great (combat axe, lasgun etc…)
    • a possibility to sort by modifiers rate would be great also
    • the 2 sorts you allowed us… seriously, rethink what you did
  • The interface itself, the gold color to highlight what is selected is ugly
  • QoL speaking:
    • when you extract a blessing, the screen come back like if you had just opened the window… so you cannot do mass work… this is really confusing. Let the window fixed where we were
    • when you sell a weapon… the focus change to the next weapon (good) but the window move high and so when you sell lot of weapons the window is not fixed where at first you positioned it
    • When you refine a perk… MY God WHAT DID YOU DO??? we asked the possibility to be able to choice the perk when we reached the 0 cost… not more annoyances!!!
  • Emperor’s gift… bugged it seems
  • Did I say that Rashad is not yet fixed? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: