Patch #12: Into the Maelstrom

He said also:

  • nice patch
  • he said that locks system was already good enough
  • he hopes for new content
  • I guess he would want less remove the locks threads…

your interpretation. I believe that players have lot of reasons to stop playing, included the fact that crafting was not here at the beginning.
I doubt that 99% of players stopped to play cause they faced a system that doesn’t allow them to get a perfect weapon… this is an end game problem (if it is even a problem).

The game is like they described just before the launch. They were late with their promises, but they have delivered the entire system.
Now, we badly need a new subclass… so I would prefer that they finish their xbox port and that now they start to work on content.

In fact, I think that they should stop trying to understand the loud minority that ask for locks removal and just focus on everything that could drive away a new player, someone that has no “tide” experience.
And new content is part of that…