Hotfix #54 (1.6.1) - Patch Notes

Hey Everyone,

Hotfix #54 (1.6.1) is currently being rolled out across our platforms. You’ll find the patch notes below.

Havoc Fixes

  • Temporary fix for the Error 9999 associated with Havoc.
  • If obtained, the Havoc Clearance Level will now be displayed in the Mourningstar over player characters instead of the Trust level.
    • Only for characters who have reached Trust level 30
  • Fixed an issue where some text strings could be overlapping in the Mission Vote Details and the Tactical Overlay screens for Havoc missions.
  • Fixed an issue where several text strings could be overlapping in the Havoc terminal in some languages.
  • Fixed an issue where Commissar Dukane could fail to greet players when interacting with the Havoc terminal.
  • Fixed an issue where Commissar Dukane could repeat the first access greeting also on subsequent visits.
  • Added the Havoc rank unlock information to the rewards details of Maelstrom missions.

Dev Note: Only when interacting with the Mission Board while not having yet unlocked Havoc mode. Please note this will be fully implemented in 1.6.2 and a broken parameter will display.

  • Added an objective marker to guide players to the Havoc terminal when first unlocking the game mode.
  • Added images behind the mutator tiles for the current Assignment in the Havoc terminal.
  • Updated the UI and animations when receiving a reward, a new assignment or a demotion after interacting with the Havoc terminal.
  • Updated the sound effects when navigating the UI in the Havoc terminal screens, and during the promotion and demotion animations.
  • Fixed an issue where the Havoc icon would appear as misaligned in the mission lobby screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the objective to interact with the Havoc terminal to unlock the game mode could be displayed even if the player already interacted with it using a different character.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect Havoc Clearance Level update could be displayed in the End of Round screen after failing a Havoc Assignment.
  • Fixed an issue where some text strings in the Havoc terminal would appear in English also when playing in other languages.
  • Fixed bug where a second character was still asked to do the Havoc unlock quest after having already completed it on the first character.
  • Combined the end of round information for Havoc to one card.

General Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could happen while using a Zealot Relic Blade when trying to interact with an object (e.g. a Medicae station battery) while in the Block animation.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when accessing the Tactical Overlay if a temporary Event had expired in the same session.
  • Fixed an issue where the End of Round rewards could be skipped in rare situations when failing to retrieve the data for the participating players.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect generic Backend Error message was displayed to players who tried to access the game after having received a ban.
  • Fixed an issue where players revvin’ up any chain weapon and sawing could get stuck in the sawing animation for a short period.

Dev Note: Additionally, fixed an issue where the controller vibration would continue to play indefinitely for players who got disabled/downed during that period of time.

  • Fixed an issue where the Play button in the Mission Board could occlude some of the mission details
  • Updated the gore settings restrictions applied to specific countries:
    • (All platforms) Only for players in Germany and Austria, post-death Ragdoll Interaction will be disabled.
      • On death ragdoll and other gore settings will remain available.
    • (PS5 only) Only for players in Japan, the Blood Decals, Gibbing, Enemy Wounds and Ragdoll Interaction gore settings will be disabled.
    • (Xbox and PC Microsoft Store only) For players in any country outside of Germany and Austria, post-death ragdoll interaction will now be available (alongside the other already available gore settings).

Cosmetic Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the attachment point for weapon trinkets would be positioned incorrectly for the Double-Barreled Shotgun weapon skin obtained from its Mastery penance.
  • Fixed an issue where the attachment point for weapon trinkets would be positioned incorrectly for the Ogryn Heavy Stubber weapon skin obtained from its Mastery penance.
  • Fixed issues with certain hairstyles clipping on multiple mask-based Zealot cosmetic Penance headgears.
  • Fixed an issue where the lower body would clip through select parts of the Veteran “Krieg Greatcoat (Krieg 143rd)” upperbody cosmetic.
  • Tweaked some decals on the arms of the Ogryn “Krieg Greatcoat, XXXXL (Krieg 143rd)” upperbody cosmetics to remove thin white lines present on the sleeves.
  • Fixed instances of hands clipping through the armwraps on the Zealot “Krieg Vigil Greatcoat (Krieg 143rd)” upperbody cosmetic.
  • Fixed instances of hands clipping through the gloves on the Psyker “Storm Witch’s Redemption Raiment” upperbody cosmetic.
  • Polished up the fit on the Veteran “Flak Helmet (Tresian Night)” headgear cosmetic.
  • The fire mode indicator on the Branx Minor Forge-Livery Boltgun skin should now properly light up.

Console Fixes

  • (PS5 only) Added the Brightness and Motion Blur settings in the Video Options.
  • (PS5 only) Fixed a rare issue where Imperial Edition content and/or Aquilas could fail to be redeemed when accessing the Mourningstar.
  • (PS5 only) Fixed a rare crash which could happen if the player lost connection to the network while game data was being processed.
  • (PS5 only) Fixed an issue where the game could fail to reconnect to the voice and text chat channels after console activity resumed from a Rest mode period.



What about quickplay and having to wait until next week (ha ha epic joke) for the clearance to update to highest completed?


The omnissiah be praised

Thank you fatsharkstrawhat, very cool.


Thank you @FatsharkStrawHat , appreciate the updates.

I have encountered an issue on XBox Game Pass where a Strike Team I was part of (was added to) in a Havoc mode mission. It happened when the whole team died, the host player left the game, and it disconnected me from the game. After the disconnect, it fully exited out of Darktide to home screen and wouldn’t let me reenter into launching Darktide. This came alongside the same time frame the Hotfix rolled out, so I am unsure as to what the issue(s) is/are to causing this technical difficulty.

Edit: It reconnected
So I’m guessing it must have been the hot fix.
Other than that thank you it’s o k everything looks like it’s running o k. I am unsure if anyone experiences a full shut down of the game after a Havoc host leaves.

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Purging Flames Penance Fix?


We love Strawhat


After the last Grim Protocols update, my game crashes every day after a few minutes in the map. First, enemies begin to hover and fly, then pass through walls. After that I get a notification that I need to reconnect and when I do that after a few minutes the same thing happens again. In order not to lose contact with my team, I force myself to Alt +F4. After which it may happen that it does not reconnect me to the same map. I plan to record this today and send it to technical support. My question is, does this happen to you too? By the way, I’m a loyal fan of the game with +3650 hours in the game and this kind of thing has never happened to me

We are looking into this and exploring options right now.


Hey, thank you for writing. Submitting a technical report is absolutely the next step so we can look into this. This would be really frustrating. Once I see the report, I’ll work with Julia to get it in front of the devs ASAP.


Thank you. Can you give a rough eta when we can have some sort of comms on this matter? Worst thing you guys could do is go silent for 8 months and and come up with a ‘solution’. Some back and forth like the crafting overhaul would be great. Even as simple as a comms update with a comment regarding the (predictedly) terrible reception.


Man I wish Xbox performance issues and server disconnects could be addressed like these other platform issues do.

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Thank you I will send you this afternoon as soon as I get home from work. I hope it’s nothing that can’t be fixed


Is there an update, right now? I was mid game then hit with a 70.7 GB update even after the Grim Protocols update. Also, I’m on PC Xbox game pass.

Always love the updates and I’m having tonnes of fun with Havoc even with all the issues. Could we get a fix to the request to join strike team notifications DURING missions please? You have no idea how close it’s got me to being killed. It happened like 4 times in one mission x_x. Thanks FatShark.


Hey Strawhat, you absolute legend!

So I just logged in to take a look at the hotfix and saw the Havoc rank above my character.

Is there any chance the art team can have another go? It looks exactly like the one we had while levelling trust 1-30.

I mean to say, it doesn’t actually look like my character has made ANY progress now, since the rank is identical to the previous one. (and frankly, boring to look at)

Personally, I’d want my players to feel rewarded and like they have achieved something, rather than lazily slapping the same exact numbers above their heads again.


An issue? I don’t want to be spoken at every time I go to a terminal in the Mourningstar


The game experienced severe audio lag and then jumped out, making it impossible to play

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Well said.

@FatsharkStrawHat When can we expect a seperate volume slider for NPCs? People have been asking for it for the last two years.


So happy I can use the relic blade now. That crash was a doozy.

Purging flames I am guessing is still bugged.

I would like to add, the party finder seems disabled if you’re already in a team for havoc? I have been playing with two other friends and Havoc is the only mode greyed out. Been wanting to list our game but we can’t so we just kept playing with one bot.

Actually party finder for Havoc is locked even by myself.

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