Patch #12: Into the Maelstrom

Yup, and the apologists wonder why we’ve run out of patience when interacting with this developer. Our feedback doesn’t get onboarded when design decisions are made. We get ignored ninety-nine percent of the time unless the request is some inane crap like accessibility for some obscure phobia. Additionally the developer is dishonest in their handling of community communications - see last “comm-link” where the developer said there will be:

Source: Community Comm-link 15th June 2023

Only for it to all be a farce.

I’m mentally exhausted with this developer. They’re actively fighting their playerbase to retain harmful qualities of Darktide which is pushing people away, but hey, after so many months they’ve developed a devoted fanatical group that’ll defend them and consume whatever crap they produce; mission accomplished there. Hopefully these zealots keep them afloat.