Packmaster will drag you around a wall, lynch you into the air, and drop you off the map floor, rendering you impossible to rescue. (Video inside)

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

This one’s a multi-part bug which made Packmaster way more lethal all the sudden.

  1. Packmaster dragging a character will turn a slight corner, and if the character his the wall between them and the Packmaster, the character will remain in place while the Packmaster keeps walking away…

  2. The character will be lynched and dragged into the air as though it’s trying to force their body through the wall between them and the Packmaster…

  3. If the Packmaster dies or drops the player, the player will fall straight through the floor and be rendered impossible to rescue.

Last time I happened in Hale Scourge, then again in Convocation of Decay. A third time in Chaos Waste.

This time it happened in Old Haunts…but it happens in any map with any degree of elevation and walls around. I don’t want you to fix this bug for Old Haunts only, but the entire bug.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Get hooked by Packmaster

  2. Wait for Packmaster to turn a corner.

Level Name (Optional):

Old Haunts

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Unusual (<25%)

Platform (Required):



Yeah, it’s similar to this one; sometimes the packmaster clips you through the wall, and you can’t get away, sometimes he throws you under the floor, etc.

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