On-Topic Wednesdays: Why do you play Vermintide?

I can see why. But like more-or-less seriously I would love to have a hug pillow Skaven friend, as seen here;

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I don’t think Teclis would care about such thoughts…
I am pretty sure Victor might like an interview with him/her!


But to that comment. I had a pet rat once… They sure have soft fur. But at least this one did not know the ways of the toilet…
Instead of a giant rat as your cuddle partner how about an elf?

I would never have the audacity to consider myself an equal to the great Teclis. Noone can. Alas, I am a Loremaster of Hoeth in service of the White Tower and His Majesty, Phoenix King Finubar and let me tell you, I would not hesitate an eye-blink to erase that foul thing from the face of this world.

Galri Asur

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Elfs seem to have bad tendency to complain and hate on everything that is not an elf and as skilled as they are. As someone who just burned their fingers while trying to add more wood to the sauna fire I feel like I dont wanna be judged by an elf. (I m ashame to my Finnish culture…) I have clumsy level of skaven slave it seems. No wonder I feel such kindship with poor creatures.

But yea, rats are soft. Ive petted them irl. I also owned rabbits so I would say I would wanna my cuddle/hug friend to be something warm and fuzzy that does not judge me. Maybe if I pay a stormvermin enough cheese I might have nice hug friend… Untill I run out of cheese.

But ya. As I stated before I cant wait the new versus mode. My friend jokingly told me that I m gonna “do Queek Headtaker larp there” and I think I might just do it. I m starting to warm to the idea.

Atm playing Vermintide while collecting skaven lore and waiting for the hype.

if players don’t open them that is fine, that probably because they already have all the weapons and don’t need to open them anymore which would make since. the point of this change would be
if they are deciding on revamping the whole armory swap to the weaves version. they wouldn’t have to do that if they just changed the drop rates. I wouldn’t really care either way. If they did move it to the weaves version of changing your weapon loadout, that would mean loot boxes would be removed entirely which i would pretty much assume they probably wouldn’t go that route.

so the only viable option would be to change the drop rates. who cares if people horde boxes.
Everyone will eventually have the weapons they want. you shouldn’t have to set there forever trying to get reds

I thought you look like Teclis…

:white_check_mark: No beard
:white_check_mark: Pointy Ears
:white_check_mark: Looks like a princess
:white_check_mark: Is too big for his boots

HAHAHA! No offence there mate!

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