Issue Description:
Ogryn’s bull knife and blull club’s overhead heavy attack hitbox is very weird to hit enemies head, since melee head shot gives you more damage (generally) to enemies and more staggering compared to body shot, it is important matter. With this hitbox, you can’t hit head consistently with these weapons.
And many case of that, these over head swing that looks landing on head actually landed on back head(back of skull) of reaper I think it should be head shot too.
And it is definitely weird that breaking head is hard thing to do as Skullbreaker.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Play Ogryn
- Wielding Bull knife or Bully club
- Try Fisrt heavy attack
- It’s hard to land an attack to enemies head unlike combat shovel, and weapon’s animation.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
All the time.
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
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