Due to the lack of info on what these changes are, I hope this isn’t just a disguise for more dumb nerfs to the Ogryn.
You already nerfed his tankiness way too much and that was one of his main gimmicks, no wonder Ogryn is the least played class with how much you guys nerf him and I say this as an Ogryn main, I have double the play time on Ogryn then any other class.
You should buff Ogryns ability to tank back to where it used to be, he’s not tanky enough. Buffing FNP and also making the keystone upgrade nodes be actually good (spoiler, most of them suck and get ignored) so people have a reason to use them more.
Here’s a list of the weak keystone upgrade nodes:
Pained Outburst: Should give full toughness considering how long the cooldown is, it did used to do this via a bug and was balanced like this.
Toughest!: This one isn’t terrible, but I think it could use a little something extra, like instead of giving toughness, make it that 10% of toughness generated from any source is converted to gold toughness, said gold toughness lasts for 5 seconds, this can stack up to a max of 50 gold toughness. Now this would be interesting instead of boring more of the same from FNP.
Strongest: Should let you stagger Monsters (or any enemy really) with melee headshots on punch/uppercut special attacks, much like we used to be able with the punch attack on the OG Latrine Shovel against Monsters. You could have a short cooldown on this if you think it will be too strong without one.
Good Shootin’: If you were to roll both a normal crit and and Lucky bullet successfully at the same time that should give double damage for this rare event. A double crit so to speak.
Brutish Momentum: Honestly, just let this ability work all the time and not when you have stacks, let it also generate stacks and maybe increase light attack damage by 2% per stack, this would make bull butcher builds far more viable and powerful, same for light attacks in general, since light attacks tend to be pretty weak for most Ogryn weapons, they only really get weaved in to quickly stagger lesser enemies or to get back to specific more useful heavy attacks. Pure light attack spamming is not very viable.
Anyway, that’s my list of keystone upgrade nodes that imo need improvements.
I think some of the weaker regular talents could also be improved or in some cases combined to make room for new talents. For example combining “implacable” with “No Stopping Me!”. Hardly anyone really uses NSM because it basically doesn’t do anything, most enemies already can’t interrupt an Ogryn anyway (and no this doesn’t mean do nerfs to make the Ogryn get interrupted more) so might as well add this effect to Implacable and come up with a new talent to go in NSM previous slot.