Ogryn ranged weapon viability on Heresy and above

After having tried all of the Ogryns ranged and playing lots of Heresy matches, I’ve noticed an unbalance between ranged weapon viability on high ranks.

The Gauntlets take a lot of skill to use (Esp for longer range shots) and has a very satisfying light attack chain that keeps hordes in check. The special attack is lots of fun and deals great damage. The stagger from the bombs help out teammates when they need to revive or do an objective, great teamplay weapon.

However, the Rumbler seems to be awful in every way. 3x less damage on direct hit, slightly more AoE blast damage, but only one shot in the magazine. Sniping specials is awful because of the random bouncing of the bomb, and elite killing potential is extremely low. Plus, it has LESS ammo than the gauntlets, despite dealing less damage in most situations (Except for crowds, but that’s the main job of melee).

The twin gun has nice supression and great ammo capacity, but sucks at killing specials long range (As is most of Og’s gear…). Damage per second is low with this weapon, and it leaves you vulnerable for a vast majority of its usage. It’s the slowest of all weapons in terms of readying, and it sucks at killing elites/armored guys (Which is the vast majority of high rank games)

Ripper gun is the second best ranged for Og. High dps, good ammo capacity (Although it can chew through it quickly), medium range. Does a good job of clearing through elites and specials, if at the right range. It’s strong at close range, but god awful at killing longer range specials (Snipers, long range gunners) and useless versus Crushers and Bulwark shields.

Lastly, the kickback. This weapon is so sad. A point blank headshot on a hound doesn’t even bring it down halfway on Malice. Does basically zero damage, more of a meme weapon than anything else. The stagger is alright, until you realize that Grenade Gauntlets and Rumbler are infinitely better for that role. Slow reload time, godawful even in close range (Why???). Doesn’t kill hordes. Doesn’t kill specials. Useless vs. carapace and shields, like the ripper.

Don’t nerf the Gauntlets, instead buff other weapons like the twin gun and kickback especially. These weapons are just poor and don’t perform well on higher difficulties.

Thanks for reading.


It also (currently) procs the bleeding if you choose it with the second feat :smiley:


Yeah, how come heavy stubbers aren’t armour piercing?

Grenade Gauntlet is Ogryn’s best tool for dealing with specials and elites by far simply because of how much consistent damage it pumps out at close range. I wouldn’t call the Rumbler awful though. For one, it has a larger blast radius than the GG. This means it’s better at keeping crowds locked down for when you need to create some breathing room for a revive, etc. It also has a farther range than the GG, which allows you to scatter or kill distant crowds that the GG couldn’t reach (or bonk Snipers on the head from fairly far away). It’s terrible at handling charging Mutants, Pox Bursters, and oncoming Ragers, though, because all of these enemies will run past the grenade without caring about it. Didn’t one of the trailers show the sticky grenades blessing working on regular enemies? Maybe Fatshark thought that was too strong, or something.

The Kickback is a pitiful weapon. Gibbing infantry with the pellet blast is satisfying, but it seriously needs more damage, much faster reload, a bigger knockdown cone, or something to help it compete with the GG and the Rumbler for special-killing and horde clear. Maybe give it a bonus against Ragers, like how the shotgun weapons in Vermintide 2 deal bonus damage to Plague Monks and Berserkers?

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Idk maybe I just have a bad roll with my rumbler, but I feel like the damage falloff for the blast range is the same as the Gauntlets (With about the same stagger, although not as spammable). That, coupled with the fact that it has less than half of the impact damage as gauntlets, makes it feel bad to me.

Anything quick will easily move away from the bomb, and the actual grenade has to be directly near the enemy to do even close to 1/3 of the gauntlet’s damage.

The range feels about the same as gauntlets, but the rumbler has RNG involved as the grenade can bounce away from your target and not deal consistent damage.

Plus it’s awful at taking care of anything that moves quickly, which is unfortunately a big portion of the enemies in the game. Poxbursters, hounds, trappers, mutants, ragers, all are high threat and can’t be killed reliably with rumbler. You can shoot grenades ahead of them to get some damage in, but detonation time feels random sometimes and you’d be losing out on a lot of damage from direct hits.

All of that with only one shot in the mag, no light/heavy attack chain (The sweep is good though, but at a loss of the grenade punch which is super valuable), less ammo, delayed explosion, it just doesn’t feel like it does anything well.

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I had to stop right there.


Not every weapon is about purely deleting enemies. Rumbler has a massive AoE and basically knocks down everything in it.

The Rumbler struggles with Poxbursters, Mutants, and Ragers, yes. That’s because those enemies have high stagger resist. It’s alright for Hounds since a direct hit will knock the dog off a pounced teammate, and it’ll also flinch the Hound if it’s running around. It’s fine for Trappers, though, as a direct hit will stumble or even stun the Trapper. Meanwhile, the grenade will bounce up and land at the Trapper’s feet. Then it’ll explode, either outright killing the trapper or keeping them stunlocked. The latter is usually what happens on Heresy+, but that’s good enough since it’ll severely damage them and keep them from doing anything for a good chunk of time.

In my opinion crowd control is most important on Heresy and Damnation and Rumbler is clear winner here. Stuba and Ripper are falling of on higher difficulty because you need weapons you can shoot and switch to melee quickly. Kicback needs faster reload speed to be competetive.

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It’s fine against poxbursters since they’re weak to explosive. Just aim it at the ground in front of them and bounce it early rather than bonking them.

+1 grenade gaunlet is awesome, had a similar experience to @Seph with the rumbler, felt too slow to meaningfully contribute apart from staggering mobs every now and then

Rumbler has been kinda fun for me, I’ve gotten the delayed timing down enough to shoot it at a door I think a burster is gonna come out of and they blow up the moment they spawn.

Another fun trick is if you see a burster close by, shoot the rumbler at your feet and charge away so the rumbler’s explosion sets off the burster or stuns it for you to get a more accurate follow up shot from a safe distance.

So far I like the grenade gauntlet for mid range special kills.

The rumbler for horde control and knocking specials down at extreme range(great anti sniper if you get used to the trajectory bc you can knock him down if the aoe is close or downright kill him if you direct impact.

Rippergun mk6 has a 2 shot burst while hip firing that gets more accurate if you’re stationary, its almost accurate enough to work at distance. It has a 3 shot burst while aiming for some close range dps.

Yeah I don’t think people roll their grenades enough, actually. I kinda take back what I said earlier since rolling your grenades at Ragers’ feet will make it explode underneath them, which stumbles them or even knocks them down if they have enough stagger. So really, the Rumbler only struggles with Mutants.

Rumbler’s ability to clear hordes at close range is reason enough to take it on Heresy and Damnation. I’ve clutched out more than a few revives just by keeping a grenade loaded and using it to create some breathing room or free up room for a revive.


Every weapon is about dealing damage in one way or another, though. Even the shield does damage with bashes despite focusing heavily on blocking.

If you want stagger, just go for gauntlets. There you have 4 quick blasts of AoE super stagger that can also be used for destroying elites and specials. Plus, it’s instant. You don’t need to wait an arbitrary amount of time for it to blow up, which makes a difference for protecting teammates or yourself. Sorry, but Rumbler is worse in every way.

If the only thing that’s good about the Rumbler is stagger, then it is a bad weapon.

It’s like saying the only reason to use Bully Club is the slap. Yeah, the stagger is nice, but when you literally can’t do anything else with it then it’s not worth it.

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Rumbler is winner for crowd control? With its single shot, delayed explosion? Compared to the gauntlet’s 4 shot, instant, quick fire, and higher ammo capacity?

I want whatever mushrooms you’re taking, because you’re tripping hard.

Gauntlets do crowd control and more. CC is nice, but if you’re sacrificing elite killing and special killing purely to push enemies out of real AoE blasts like Vet grenades then you’re actively gimping your team.

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Rumbler has a larger AoE and a significantly faster reload speed. I alternate between the two and have yet to be able to pick a preference between them. The reload speed on the gauntlet is extremely noticeable in extended fights. The gauntlet also burns through ammo significantly faster due to the smaller AoE. The rumbler also does fine at elite/special killing when you get good at bonking things in the foreheads with the initial grenade and learn how to predict where it’s going to bounce. The delay can also be used to your advantage to preemptively stumble things coming around corners and whatnot, or to bounce it off of a wall to hit something technically out of your LoS.

Which isn’t what I said.

Reloading gauntlet is slow so you can’t spam it in difficult situations, Rumbler AoE is significantly bigger, delayed explosion is often a plus because you can hit targets behind cover or corner, it explodes during your reload, you can shoot under your feet and run without turning back.
Rumbler is ammo efficient and the most important thing. Watching enemies bonked and thrown by explosions NEVER GETS OLD.

The end goal is preventing damage to yourself or teammates while killing enemies.

The rumbler was more helpful than the grenade gauntlet in my group with my build.

If I could ask anything of the rumbler, being able to kill dogs and snipers in one shot would be nice, but not necessary for it to be a good ranged option.