Ogryn got a massive nerf, but nobody talks about it

Pretty much what I thought aswell, while really strong I’d still be hesitent to call them overall easier to play then the rest of the classes. There are only a few matches that gets really ammo starved, even with the current changes to survivalist aura, so I’d say it is about even.

Zealot can get a good amount of cooldown reduction, same with veteran.

Darktide’s most unfun ability, now to be clear, I don’t mean this in a way that it is to powerful or that it is an ability that I enjoy using. But if I ever wanted to prevent enemies from taking game actions while making the run take 5 minutes longer… I’d run smite, preferably two smite psykers at once.

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“If there’s someone with bigger ego than me, I want him caught and shot.” - Zaphod Beeblebrox from HHGtG OnlyJustKaan


Yeah, I saw. Always funny to see.

Do I have to use smite?

And has the gaul to tell me to clutch. He can’t handle my clutches. Because this is how I clutch.

I appreciate the effort, but massive nerfs are only reserved to vets, Ogryn is the strongest class in the game no cap

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Skill issue.

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As much I love Ogryn, I wouldn’t mind some changes to how it plays in general.

Ogryn has terrible mobility (as in dodge lengths, but also movement speed with most of his weapons). I know some people would like his dodge length changed and just normalised with the other classes. I would be happy if Fatshark added the Slayer’s Barge talent as one of Ogryn’s passives. Barge basically allows you to push away human size enemies out of the way with your dodges.

Also Ogryn’s weapons need some work, especially melee weapons. Except knives you barely ever use your light attacks. Their damage values are usually totally “meh” and the Ogryn talent tree is so focused on rewarding heavy attacks, that light attacks just feel like placeholders. This is part of the reason why a lot of his melee feels fairly boring, especially that potential attack combos barely ever go past Heavy 1 into Light 1 or vice versa.

This has indeed removed a build from the game. It has also removed Skullcrusher from the game. The blessing was always terrible, did not do what you think it does, and was designed by morons. 5 second linger or not, the only way the blessing could ever work was if bleeds refreshed it. Stagger windows are far too short for an Ogryn to chain heavies and ever see skullcrusher take effect.

Skullcrusher needs a complete redesign, and in general Ogryn needs far more interesting blessings and weapons. Ogryn also needs a far more interesting talent tree. Currently the left side of the tree, the pure melee side does one thing. “So I heard you like heavies, bro. Here are some heavies. Also some more heavies. Oh, and even more heavies.”


After reading the description a few more times, I’m pretty sure it works exactly as intended.

The indirect nerf was the increased enemy ogryn stagger resistance. It is just a useless blessing now, the targets you need more dmg on recover too quick indeed.

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