Ogryn got a massive nerf, but nobody talks about it


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Skullcrusher got massively nerfed.
You did not use skullcrusher.
You did use the one blessing that lets you not care about bleeds, debuffs, stagger or even enemy hp.
So what is your point?

I never said that the debuffer build was a top performer btw.
I just said that it was good and that it got deleted.

You used a build that does not massively rely on debuffs and was therefore barely touched.
You still were top performer and killed a lot of elites.
Apparently you are fine with that.
So why remove the debuff build that performed similarly well?

Instead of “balancing something broken” they simply removed an interesting and fun synergy.
Skullcrusher is now garbage and the number of viable builds is reduced.
Some of the top performing builds of the ogryn stay untouched.
Unless you want those to be nerfed as well, this recent nerf achieved nothing but a reduction of viable options.


Skullcrusher is bugged and will be fixed, end of story.

Meanwhile, there are still plenty viable alternatives to use.

This is a bug issue, not a gameplay feedback.

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Considering that my main concern is the removal of the synergy between bleeds and debuffs, it is indeed gameplay feedback and not a topic for a bug report (unless they accidentally removed the interaction).

Skullcrusher is probably bugged, but the bugged performance of that blessing is only a fraction of my issue.
The blessing being fixed, does not bring back what was probably the build with the most interesting synergies and best team support in the game.


That part has been bugfixed months ago. Given how old news it is, I assumed the thread is about skullcrusher.

If that is the case, it seems that i have not played the ogryn for quite some time.
I just noticed it now, when i tested something for someone.

This is a good change for the future. Bleed stacks should not apply debuffs in general. Especially for stuff like Brittleness. I think the problem is more the poor design of Skullcrusher and lack of good alternatives on Ogryn.

However, despite all of this, Ogryn still feels the same. Still incredibly strong. Still stupidly survivable.

Shield and Club I have been using. My game doesn’t like it when I pull up previous scoreboards but I have preformed very well with both them, and as I mentioned before did not even notice the difference. (On Auric Damnation)

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No more team support with debuffs.
If that is actually what you did before, then no. Ogryn does not feel the same at all.

If the ogryn still feels the same to you and is still incredibly strong, why would you applaud the removal of the debuffer build?
Apparently (according to you), the nerf achieved nothing aside from removing build diversity.

Then you probably didn’t have a good feeling for your breakpoints.
If you did, you would have noticed.

I will repeat myself.
I know that there are other strong builds.
My issue is specifically with the removal of the synergistic, team supporting debuffer build.
Other builds being viable, has absolutely no relevance for that. Because while other builds might result in a better personal performance, no other build does what this build did.

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“Nobody talks about it since most people don’t play Ogryn.”

That’s because he is the most braindead, easy to play character after psyker.

Any chance you’d like to elaborate more on this take? Just curious on how you’d say Zealot or Veteran are somehow harder to play then Psyker? Any specific loadouts/builds in perticular?

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I think this build got nerfed because it sits pretty hard on the debuffing taunt build. 40% brittleness by bleed stack 3 was pretty powerful and could be splashed to a lot more enemies than the +radius taunt could. And refreshed sooner.

But yeah ogryn is so badly in need of variety killing things that aren’t just ‘heavy attack to victory’ wasn’t a cool move. Especially with so many nerfs to the club riding alongside it…okay, so that isn’t a joke loadout anymore but why are the shovels still the way they are. Ogryn needs melee power and not heavy attack strength, so you could use the light attacks on half his weapons.

Do the exact opposite of this guy.

  1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
  2. Don’t talk big, if you can’t carry the big words’ weight.
  3. Don’t write checks your anus can’t cash.
  4. First three of these advices are the same.
  5. Don’t be a female quadruped mammal with 78 chromosomes.

I wish you success.

PS: Vet is the hardest class to play.

I am curious as to how any of this is supposed to answer any of the questions that you are responding to.

Also, do the opposite of which guy?
The guy who positioned himself badly and got knocked off the map?
Or the guy who positioned himself badly and got smashed?

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Ah i remember you. You talked a lot of BS and personally attacked me for informing you that achievements have existed in games for decades and that many players actually like them.

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While I do know that text does not transfer well inferring tone. I was actually curious to see if there where any specific things about psyker that you felt made it easier to play then the rest of the classes.

The video clip left me with more questions then answers.

This is more of a player issue then a class one, the comment at the end about clutching felt… bad, at least from the brief and only showing from your POV.


I can provide a better explanation of why I think Psyker is easier than that nerd up there.

The reason Psyker is easy is that staff-based Psyker builds are extremely powerful, and don’t have to rely on ammo - managing Peril is a very simple task, and you’re rewarded with immense crowd control and respectable damage (or even crazy high damage if using Trauma or Voidstrike staves).

Using Warp Charges, Psyker can very easily spam shout or shield depending on playstyle, both very strong abilities that further deal with multiple threats. Dome shield especially is an instant “don’t like ranged enemies” button you can press at basically any time to instantly take control of a fight.

The above explanation isn’t even getting into how braindead easy Smite is to use, letting you permanently keep crowds locked down with little to no mental investment. I’d go so far as to say Smite is a crutch, and staff builds are both more versatile and more powerful.

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Your class bro told me to gitgud at melee when I asked for a shield build because I get suppressed by gunners with zero accuracy. I can use shroudfield to save myself or save/revive people, not both.
He died 3 times in 10 minutes or so. I died once due to a bug (yes getting comboed in the air by CS is a bug, deal with it) And his persona couldn’t handle the ugly truth so he started projecting and saying “clutch it, weak”.

If a class can stunlock multiple high hitters like ragers and crushers in their place and kill them in seconds, that class has no right to die in this game. That is why this character is braindead. You play the game in easy mode.

Take a look at this:

Replicate this with Illisi MK5 with bloodthirsty and Nomanus MK7 and keep in coherency and play any auric damnation game. You can’t die.

By the way, if you die, your NEXT lobotomy procedure IRL is on me.

There needs to be an explanation so you could provide a “better one”. I didn’t even bother providing an explanation, weirdo. Only when I realized I’m putting a ton of smarts (in case you don’t realize, that’s me) on a kitchen scale level intellect (in case you don’t realize, that’s him) I realized I shouldn’t make fun of him anymore and provide an actual answer.

I really want you to meet a poster named Jackal