Ogryn doesn't feel up to par with other classes

I’ve come from Vermintide 2 mostly, where most of the classes at least feel around two or three steps near each other in terms of ability.

However, Ogryn in Darktide feels like he is designed differently from the other classes, in a bad way, as if he is several steps backwards from them. The most egregious is being forced to use heavy attacks due to nodes focusing on it, as well as abilities feeling like they shoehorn you into certain weapon choices.

His weapon choices are also limited, with the added burden of some not stronger or more usable than other classes weapons. For example, Point Blank Barrage begs for a fast shooting weapon, and the keystone node, Burst Limited Override favours only fast shooting weapons with a lot of ammo. This obviously leaves only the Aclys Twin Stubber as the most viable choice if one wants to be an ogryn focusing on using that ability and range.

So far, the only two melee weapons I feel comfortable using is the Shield and the Pickaxes. The first because Gunners never miss when shooting at you, and the second because it feels actually strong, like an ogryn is swinging it.

Tldr; Ogryn feels like he is lacking the option, freedom of build, and interesting gameplay of the other classes, as well as feeling like they need more work to reach other classes’ potential. Being forced to use Heavy attacks only also exacerbates the feeling.


But in doing so, that Build also locks the Ogryn out of the +5% Rending Modifier that’s CRITICAL for dealing consistently decent damage against Carapace with the Achlys Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber. You better hope that Crushers and Scab Ragers will ONLY spawn when your Ability’s available! You just can’t win with the Ogryn Skill Tree…

It’s a general consensus I’m pretty sure. Oggy needs some TLC


Ogryn with dueling sword will be on par with other classes :upside_down_face:


Between the crafting rework patch and Havoc I did all the Ogryn penances after having not really played much Ogryn before that. I’m around level 90 with the Oggy now.

At least for Auric Damnation, I feel there are a few different strong-enough builds for Ogryn. Despite my initial skepticism a gunlugger build I settled on was regularly at the top of the scoreboard for damage + kills.

The problem in my view with Ogryn is that these strong builds are just not very interesting to play. It’s either go heavy into gunlugging with a twin-linked stubber for maximum dakka and/or lean hard into heavy attack spam. Both of these result in a combat gameplay experience that feels very monotonous. There are clear strong paths through the talent tree and deviating from those feels like a self-inflicted handicap for no real gain.

Other classes are more dynamic and able to switch roles during a fight. Ogryn relies on just the same heavy swings or mag-dumping over and over and over and over again… I fully get that this might be deliberate in terms of reflecting the theme of an Ogryn, but it’s not great from a player standpoint.

Ogryn can be good, even great, but it’s monotonous and relies on sticking to just a few builds. In really messy situations and on high level Havoc, he doesn’t have enough interesting tools in the toolbox to make it a strong pick.


Agree, his restricted gameplay is the biggest issue with him. It in part causes the lack of variety issue, which is also down to many weapons being blatantly undertuned though. His shield and pickaxe are examples of the handful of weapons that aren’t totally undertuned, their sole issue being that you’re not actually using half of their movesets because of the heavy attack constraints.

It’s directly down to how his talents and weps interact: The bull butcher cleaver used to be his meta weapon, and all you did was light spam with it. Then they added batter and more focus on toughness from heavies, so now that weapon is one of the worst in the game because heavy spamming with it sucks. I won’t say he had more variety before the talent tree update, because most of his weapons just sucked regardless (and still do without batter), but it just ended up restricting him in a different way.

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Broken Record Alert:
Oggie was also on the receiving end of constant and many “balance” tweaks, i.e. nerfs, that changed the landscape rather noticeably. Aren’t thing like “feel no pain” even bugged after the nerf?
Global “balancing” passes such as stagger threshold reworks affect fatso a lot more as that was his thing, and gutted some weapons like Ripper bayonet pokes for brittle debuffs.
No Batter=no bueno, but don’t worry Unlucky bullet got a “buff”…


What’s more, funnily enough almost all of Ogryns tank talents are broken and don’t affect the stat they’re meant to affect:

I think Ogryn would be a lot different if all those toughness replenishment talents actually affected toughness replenishment like they were meant to. It would mean

  1. Ogryn is now very very tanky on par if not better than a current shout vet (makes sense given the Ogryns role) due to something like 125% increased toughness replenishment
  2. Ogryn now actually leans into the CC tank role that makes most of his weapons feel weak because now you can actually just get stuck in and keep bashing and play far more aggressively to leverage it
  3. Ogryn now actually has a sort of relevant team aura. 25% toughness replenishment isn’t anything to scoff at

And if none of this makes sense to you, remember that “toughness replenishment” as a stat affects all talents. Or is meant to anyway. The Ogryn talents instead give coherency regen speed, which doesn’t enable while you’re meleeing.

Unfortunately it seems that this is one of these things that are just sort of official now since they already nerfed Ogryn toughness gen so they clearly don’t actually want to go the route that was originally envisioned for the middle tank tree. Which is also backed up by how Ogryn is getting killy, high damage weapons like other classes now. It’s just that 90% of his stuff still sucks since it was made with the old design in mind, without the strengths of the old design intention.

It’s almost like nobody at Fatshark really understands where they were going with Ogryn, and where they’re going now, so he’s just kind of stuck with all of the drawbacks and he’s still not even as tanky as a vet to compensate. (Who by the way never gets nerfed. Imagine if they addressed how blatantly OP shout is lol)


Agree. He is still the most fun for me to play despite the lack of everything mentioned over the past few months.

i’m trying to imagine an elegantly fencing ogryn :rofl:

but speaking of knives, it’s laughable how much better a zealot plays with his toothpick compared to an ogryn with his knife. ogryns should be able to either double wield cleavers or use them with a shield, especially the krourk 4, and stab from behind the shield.


Oh man that would be a great way to do a brute shield, especially with a bigger knife or even a bastard sword.

And the game is too fast paced now for how hard on resources ogryn is to do damage in like 1 setup. Everything else falls pretty far behind but bleed HH pickaxe is respectable for damage and strong for controlling elites. The game isn’t an outright competition but in a normal balance you wouldn’t really expect one to fall behind. That wasn’t the case in VT2 unless you were doing something hardcore meme like greathammer footkrub or IB. Or my greataxe Ranger for max struggle (the miner larpers with the pickaxe rising to the heights of lore slayers).

So yeah once again you can look back at patch 13 and watch everyone’s toolkit jump way past ogryn’s in damage numbers but also finesse. They mostly just added cleave targets to ogryn’s almost universal 3 target limit besides certain knife attacks. You had a bunch of 0.5 or worse (basically everything vs maniac on him at launch but Mk3 cleaver) and other gross damage mods changed or made neutral or better. And the Mk2/Mk1 club could finally do more than 99 damage on those garbage opening lights (imagine having to run infested to one shot a pox pup). And his terrible headshot damage stays the same, on like everything except the Rippergun (the actual best ogryn marksmen weapon still because you can move and be accurate like normal humans made better with a terrible stability stat).

Meanwhile, dueling sword triple finesse double damage. Goes from like 300 crit damage to 1000 in 2 updates. And it can stagger everything while the ogryn struggles with all other ogryns, possibly the only one to suffer bulwarks anymore with the OG weapons.

If you ever want to feel like a forgotten relic, use the krourk stubber and the Mk6 knife with the OG tree. The few times you have boxes they do little more than destroy AMD/xbox player frames. The krourk does almost no damage to everything you want to shoot at because it has 0.5 to flak and limb modifiers (so 0.75 to the likely crossed arms and shinguards). I think you can see where the issues compound. It may as well get pulled if they don’t touch it. The accuracy is terrible and it has the same trigger delay/brace and swap as the goronum.

Cleavers are also confusingly bad heavy swords in game. Their unyielding and maniac damage are terrible and they hit about the same or worse to carapace. But heavy swords have a decent first target damage spike, and powerful finesse. And 5-7 targets hit instead of 3-5.

But those are all just weapons and I would rather Ogryn have some actual strengths worth playing. Like picking up players with any danger is such a waste and you can get absolutely murdered in a second these days with a couple gunners loose. Can Ogryn not use his bulk to rescue other players faster like the Handmaiden did in VT2? It could even have its own animation made. I’d also trade stamina overall for stamina regen speed, but more importantly I think they should just remove the speed reduction for out of sprint stamina. It isn’t even like you’re clearing 5 m/s most of the time anyway, so dropping below that shouldn’t occur. He’s had his morning rations, he shouldn’t be getting winded.

And more talents, because the excuse that he’s dumb has always been a bad one. He isn’t as popular because he straight up has like 3 builds, and like absolutely no variety in those sets. The idea of getting some damage for melee (soften em up) and his goofy actually fun variation of the throwing knife you have to manually equip is just sacrilege to the dev team. Bleed is only so good on ogryn because it actually does more DPS than some of his weapons when contrasted against how long you can be dueling with a single elite. It makes no sense anymore.

So yeah fix those weapons, but also turn that no stagger revive garbage into a fast one, and remove his speed penalty for starters. And lower the sprint costs of his OG weapons while fixing them too. Those are the things almost unplayably bad from the new player perspective, and where the kickback ogryns come from.


Yes. welcome to the club of those who dissapointed in Ogryn. I would note that while gunlugger favors only 2 linked stubber and kickback to a lesser extent, these weapons slap and build in general slap hard, they a very ammo hungry, but damage man, i didn’t play much of it, but every time i outdamaged everyone on the team, i think gunlugger need something like survivalist, aside from bigger weapon variety and it will be on par with other classes, but other two builds needs more buffs, especially middle tree.

5% won’t change much and even on veteran it’s usually a waste of ammo shooting crushers and mauler is flak in body, scab ragers still pop like bubbles and can never be as strong as regular naked ones.

It’s pretty surprising, actually.

Without that +5% Rending Modifier, the bullets bounce right off when not hitting Crits. With it, EVERY bullet punctures their Carapace.

Same thing happens with the +10% Rending Passive and Recon Lasgun on Veteran.

On a Build that hyperspecialises in Ranged dakka and leaves you comparatively weak in Melee?

I miss Big Boom in my Indomitable builds since the rework. :cry: It can only be reached from the other two ults now. All FS had do do is make the connections of the three nodes below the ults horizontal instead of diagonal to make builds more flexible in that section of the tree.


Fully agree. The old weapons are in an awful state. 900+ strikedown damage to carapace on the branx compared to 4-500ish on the OG bully club - which isn’t any faster, doesn’t have better horde clear or any other factor that would make it comparable. Most of the original Ogryn weapons may as well not exist.


I tried bringing a bully club to Havoc 40 to see how it does the other day. Was amazed at how it hits like literally 3 horde enemies on the heavy horizontals. My thinking was I might get value out of haymaker but certainly not if it only hits 3 enemies. I knew it’d be bad but I didn’t expect this level of bad. The cleave already sucks on the normal game. No cleave or power blessings available, nor a cleave or power talent.

I wouldn’t say it’s even bad otherwise, the heavies actually are way faster than a pickaxe so it gives you some survivability and lets you just brawl your way through stuff, it just doesn’t have any cleave whatsoever and what little cleave it has, has abyssmal damage profiles. For some reason it’s like one out of two weapons in the game with both a defense and mobility bar, maybe they could remove one to make space for cleave or something.


Dear lord I thought I was going mad when I saw things not giving toughness like it is meant to.

I’d like to know if FS are aware of broken Ogryn skills… @FatsharkJulia please could you confirm if it’s known?

Poor Ogryn needs some tlc and fixing his talents first is a good first step!


I did query this when you @'d me, but I haven’t heard back yet! Though, if I’m understanding correctly from previous discussions I’ve had with development, it seems like this is the same issue?:

Tooltips need some work for sure, it seems to have slipped the net, so I’ll see if I can revive that.


Then the problem is that it’s a worthless talent node.

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