Officially taking a sick leave

I’m done with this game. I am so karkin’ done with it.
After 998.3 hours my patience has finally run dry.

I’ve tried so hard, sooooo hard, to keep having fun with it.
But no, you’ve finally done it. You’ve run this game into the dirt.
You’ve ruined one of the most beloved classes of the game.
Even though you acknowledge almost every bug everyone posts, you do what seems like nothing about it for several months and sometimes karkin’ years (I’m looking at you Unlocked and Loaded).
You keep us in the dark as to where you’re going with the game in terms of updates, and when you first roll one out, it’s something NO ONE EVER ASKED FOR (HAVOC).
Your rarity and cosmetics system is a joke (I’m talking about Commissary, not Commodore’s).
It seems like you never ever learn from your mistakes.
And finally, something that I find extremely funny; you managed to ruin the sound system in a game where sound cues and environmental sounds are fundamental.

This is Warhammer 40K, one of most insane universes ever created which you have access to, and you dropped the ball so hard.
You should be ashamed, Fatshark, of how poorly you’ve been treating this game and the players with it.
I feel like an absolute idiot who’ve bought so many items in Commodore’s, thinking it would be beneficial towards the development for the game.

I don’t know where Fatshark’s HQ is situated in relation to Arrowhead Game Studios, but you should take a stroll over to them and ask them for some advice.
I’ll be playing their game until you fix yours. With that said, see you in probably 3-4 years ladies and gents.




Every single person with 500+ hours has made this post or said something very similar to someone they play with. It is a very well known fact at this stage that they fumbled with this game and there is no sign of anyone picking up that ball and returning it to the correct field of play anytime soon. You’ll be much better off destroying all expectations resembling hope for content the community asks for.

What you need to do is learn to mindlessly enjoy the havoc and bloodshed and appreciate this game for what it is, a damn amazing game that’s potential got squandered by a lack of vision and care toward the things that truly mattered.

You want an example of how bad microtransactions are? I remember seeing a short with PirateSoftware - I am sure some of you know who I speak of. Anyways, the idea is - he basically says one of the first microtransactions on World of Warcraft outsold the entirety of Starcraft 2.


Yeah, I decided to swear off Darktide for a while. I’m pretty close to 1k hours as well, but I’m waiting for them to actually say what they’re going to do. As a veteran main it’s been a while since we saw anything for us, and my backup class is Psyker so that’s sort of a mess right now as well. I love Darktide I just feel like we wont see them DO anything unless the player count drops, then they might open up their ears. I stopped like a week ago. I’m also just waiting for them to actually fix the Havoc level set to highest completed in the week and not one lower than you were because, that’s totally ruined Havoc for me, I made 40 and got set to 28 since I didn’t complete another 40 that week. Also once you make 40 there’s not much a reason to keep playing it. I just want to see them actually patch some bugs that are bothering people, fix things in a meaningful way. Maybe make the paid shop a little less insulting for a game that’s getting as old as this one is. I still read the forums but I really just don’t want to play. I all but finished Havoc and now I’m sort of just left with nothing to do. Also having no idea what they even want to do with their game, that’s kind of a big deal. I play enough of this, I wish I could see their plan, get that much respect from the devs.


Im at 900 hours so far and its not happened for me :smiling_face:

Still feelin it!

@ViciousWaiter Sorry to hear you aint enjoying it. Sounds like a long break is what you need. If you do end up leaving for good, 1k hours is a pretty good run on any game really. Dont look back in anger.


I don’t necessarily mean the “taking a break part” - more the disappointment/anger toward their seeming lack of care concerning a cosmetic store that doesn’t involve real currency. Even the current store reeks of FOMO combined with just downright utter scummy tactics - there are so many similar armor sets you could be spending $20 for a set of armor that looks cool but its silver at the time, yet if you had known the exact same set existed in gold - would you of shelled out the $20 for the silver one?


Near-a thousand hours (go idle in the main menu for 100 minutes so you can have the clean 1k) is still good value for what you got. I respect the decision to drop it.


I haven’t played this game since POE2 went into early access


Almost 3k hours & this is the first time I haven’t played in a month straight… it’s uninstalled for games with actual content, atm. Until Obese Megalodon gets their sht together. Fixing server crashes, skill tree & class reworks, balance issues, etc. I won’t be returning anytime soon. But I can guarantee something… 100% that their cosmetics store is up & running well, I’m willing to bet.


I feel you, buddy.

I took a break from Darktide for a month back in March and April of 2024. I felt pretty burnt out and played other games (mainly The Witcher 3 and Helldivers 2) while I awaited new Content.

Stay safe, and I hope you come back to an even better Darktide!


Ironic, because Helldivers’ newest enemy faction was designed by Fatshark’s old gameplay design lead.



Dont worry ill kill your share of the heretics for you


That is very true, I hate the crappy FOMO mtc store and I lament the lack of decent items in the normal store :sob:


I second all this. I am 1800 mood swinging hours into this game, and I have been where you are now multiple times over the last years because I care about the success of the game, though it so gruellingly often feels like Fatshark doesn’t.

Which is exactly what I did when Helldivers 2 was released back in February 2024. I went on a Darktide detox and didn’t come back with full confidence until Fatshark released Unlocked & Loaded in September 2024.

I have seen this game resurrect and die so many times that it has become a staple of how Fatshark does live service. It goes something like this:

  1. Release patch which increases popularity and momentum.
  2. Job’s a good 'un. Let go of steering wheel and gas pedal.
  3. Watch said popularity and momentum dwindle within the subsequent months.
  4. Do nothing about it.
  5. Say nothing about future plans.
  6. Game is dead again.
  7. Back to step 1.

Brutal :joy:

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I just hit 500h and still having a blast, but I respect anyone’s different feelings. Of course I also see many little flaws and much potential for improvement, but IMHO the base game is so perfectly designed that everything else is just secondary to me.


Burnouts r just… a thing! Been in n out of the game the last couple months, come back when u feel like bashing people’s head in again! Have fun w/ HD2!!!


I would wait until the end of february until I declare Ogryn abandoned by Fatshark, but yeah, I’m hoping for some cool updates because there is a lack of content if you don’t like Havoc.


I do agree that the game is bleeding a lot of players, but at a similar point before unlocked and loaded, the game was pretty much dying and there were like 2-3k people playing consistently.

Even though Darktide has lost a lot of players (it used to be around 10k) It’s always around 5k consistent players now. Hopefully, as Fatshark improves Darktide, it will have half as many consistent players as Left 4 Dead fifteen years after its release in 2009.

It is crazy if you think about it though, Darktide had over 100k players and lost almost all of them because the game was so unfinished and littered with engagement tactics, literally you couldn’t even craft and had to get perfect RNG to get a good weapon. All while Left 4 Dead allows you to just take whatever weapon you want, and people still play it every day. Makes you wonder what Fatshark was thinking.

Left 4 Dead is a pretty jank game to be honest, it’s certainly not perfect. The hitboxes are horrible except on special infected. If you shoot a common in the head 3 times the bullets will go through to the point where all people who know what they’re doing aim for the body outside of expert realism difficulty.

The melee weapons shoot hit rays, if those hit the infected, they will be killed. This means you can swipe your melee weapon through like 5 zombies and hit 2 of them. Yet people still love the game because it is truly amazing and makes up for all of the jank through gameplay.

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