Officer’s jacket (grisfield style,red) is to wide on female characters.
I was looking forward to buying a jacket to go with the black Commissar cap but im going to hold my purchase. It makes the character 20% wider at the shoulders.
Officer’s jacket (grisfield style,red) is to wide on female characters.
I was looking forward to buying a jacket to go with the black Commissar cap but im going to hold my purchase. It makes the character 20% wider at the shoulders.
Happened to play with some people using this cosmetic and it looks downright comical in-game.
They expect us to shell out money on such lazy work, it probably would take 20 mins to narrow it up and make the proportions right.
I didn’t really notice it that much until the Officer’s jacket, probably because the should pads really make it stick out. The “moebian 455th officer;s jacket” and the “Brig-command Leathers” also suffer from bad female proportions
The ones you linked look like at least 2 if not 3 sizes larger than needed.
IDK if it’s a problem with the female character model rigging being bad to begin with, but if not the artists really need to step up their game. From the aluminium-looking “metal” armor of the zealot (“Punisher” Crusader Grab) to these oversized jackets most of these cosmetics are awful.
It’s quite strange really since the free cosmetics are usually fine apart from the complete disregard for female proportions.
so many female vet cosmetics don’t fit the female characters.
I deleted my female vet to start a male one pretty much exactly for that reason. Cosmetics look terrible on them.
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