NOW can we have Gear Gatekeeping for Aurics?

NOW can we have Gear Gatekeeping for Aurics?
It’s basically trivial to have ~perfect gear now, and yet people still go in with low ratings, unmodified, blue/purple etc. Oh, and so many non-empowered weapons now.

INB4 “gear doesn’t matters”. It matters some, and at the very least it’s a soft gate for ppl to make the slightest effort into preparing for the hardest content (inb4 game is not hard).

If someone can’t be bothered to upgrade to orange and change to at least T3 blessings, and sort out their curios, there’s an extremely high chance they also won’t shoot the dog off you, or free you from the net while right next to you etc.


Well, we have a bit of gatekeeping already with the leveling system. But I wouldn’t mind a bit more myself. At least a “You need to complete 1 mission of each difficulty type to unlock the next” or something similar to stop folks from skipping.

Or perhaps “Complete X Matches on Damnation” to unlock Auric Heresy. Complete an Auric Heresy to unlock Auric Damn. And complete an Auric Damn to unlock Auric Maelstrom.

There might be a simplier way to do it but you get the gist, no?


I’m not necessarily advocating for this, as I think it creates its own challenges and exploits to get around, but I’ve liked the idea where to unlock the next difficulty for a given character you have to complete a mission on the prior difficulty without going down / getting trapped / getting killed - and possibly without taking over a certain amount of damage (never go below 50% health or something).

The reason is that the core competency in the game is learning how to stay alive and carry yourself through a mission. If you can’t demonstrate the ability to at least do that on difficulty X, why should you be allowed to go up to X+1


this should me mandatory and account wide, so anyone twinking shouldnt have to go through the hoops again.

as a bonus of this method, then joining low level chars are legitimized by having at least done it once in their career.

set the required number of successful matches x20 to iron out the “buddy carries me through” loophole.


Then how all those super-elite-insane-skill-nerf-everything-strong players can show-off? Keep it open for starting grey gear as entry level just for them - or they will die from boredome.

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well it gives away players with little experience, or who don’t care enough to make some extra clicks. there are exceptions, but most time you see these people run forward until they hit the ground.


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