I just came back the other week after not having played for several months, and before I took a break I exclusively played CW and absolutely loved it. The first thing I did after coming back was to play a normal solo legend mission for practice. It was a walk in the park as expected. Then I decided to QP CW…
First map in we activated the chest and got ready to fight the boss. It quickly wipes out my teammates then heads for me and smacks me around as if I’m blocking with a paper plate. I figure maybe it’s lag and my block wasn’t registering or something.
QP number 2 plays out the same way except this time I notice the boss icon is different and he has a shield breaker title. I assume it’s some kind of event, I’ll look into it later.
QP number 3 a troll that is immune to ranged attacks shadow clones himself and covers the entire room in puke. The clones plus horde finish us off quickly in the sea of puke… Time to look into these bosses, and I read about grudge marks.
I haven’t played CW since. The bosses felt cheap and just not fun for me. I feel like you would need to select all the most OP characters and weapons in stead of playing what you want.
So, I’m curious if people are actually enjoying the grudge marks, and if so, how do you deal with them? Especially when it’s a small area near a cliff and you can’t kill it before the next horde comes.