No Players found, seriously :(

All of them are just in the lobby checking the store - the real end game.

still no players

Do you play gamepass?
Here on steam in Europe, I can find teams. However, late at night, it begin to be problematic and often we end at carrying a bot during the entire map on heresy difficulty. Let’s say it, the bot spend more time on the ground than on its legs.

I guess that, when FS will find a programmer and release something new, like crafting (but new maps would be great), there will be more players.

It’s fine for me during peak times. Later at night Heresy can become a bit of a cr@p shoot to get people. Have had to solo up to the first scan in Hab Dreyko. Made for an exciting Psyker game. Malice seems only occasionally dead probably moreso towards the end of the week when more people are done farming weeklies.

Yeah it’s not as reliable to get games as I’d like, but what can they do other than what they’ve already said they are? I expect over the next month or two we’ll see some patches major enough to bring more people in. In the mean time there are plenty of friendly people on the Discord. Doing an LFG for people in your region would probably net you some reliable full party missions.

Man I would like to share your optimism alsozara :sweat_smile:
Having a full team at the beginning of the mission was already difficult at times a month ago.
I don’t even want to know how it is now…
And to be honest, I don’t see a patch in the next 2 months that will keep people engaged for more than 1-2 days. There are too many areas that the game has left to work on.
Maybe we get the hottest takes updated towards fall, if I’m cautiously optimistic.
(I always like to be positively surprised… which rarely happens though)
But be that as it is, the greatest opportunity to bind players is lost, there really has to be something big (which also has to be really well made) to (re)gain players for the game in the longer term. And then we would probably be back in the area of year(s) and no longer months… sad as it sounds.

But I’m only speaking from my point of view, because I wouldn’t care if bugs were fixed, crafting was added or some RNG elements were made less unpleasant. The game simply has no incentive for me in the end game and this is probably not on priority list #1. Whether the gameplay is good or not, what good is it if the sense of playing is not given, to complete the missions on the highest difficulty is unfortunately done rather fast. But then what? You can’t really earn skins because everything is only sold through the store and weapon lottery is just not mine, I like to come back to DT when there is something to work towards, but not for gambling.


I like your point of view and I agree about discord being a cesspool of mentally narcissistic individuals and power hungry moderators, the discord moderators for this game are notoriously toxic.


Yeah, it’s sad. I think the active users on the forums and reddit is a small minority of the remaining players. Even if a big patch came out tomorrow that added crafting, “WE” might be content to keep playing just to tinker around with crafting options and builds, but it’s not going to bring people back. Lots of content is needed to entice people back I feel.

Honestly, I wish Fatshark should just say, we’re going to tinker with balance and minor crafting additions, but we’re going to give this 6 months and then do a soft “relaunch” with a FREE mini-expansion that has new maps, items, and a new class for each archetype, along with a cost of new features. Nothing short of something major like that will turn this ship around.

The patch notes clearly indicate you need to find a premade group on discord in order to play this game. What were you expecting to just play whenever you want?

Eh, they won’t even adjust the crafting costs / crafting drops, nor adjust the quality of items in Armory or Melk. I think they’re completely married to their RNG gacha whale fishing hellhole mechanics, which means there is no hope for this game no matter what they come up with.

The only thing the open letter said was that they’re halting all content on PC, which pretty much just means they’re now trying to make the game at least appear finished in time for the console launch. I’m sure there will be a major patch on console launch day, that will add a map or two (maybe even a new biome, but probably just maps that reuse the same 5 maps they have already), some slight changes that looks like it at least attempts to mitigate RNG, but they will keep all core systems completely RNG.

They have made absolutely no noises whatsoever to indicate any real willingness to step away from RNG. The open letter pretty much said nothing at all. ‘Improving progression, crafting, stability’ means absolutely nothing. Improve how? That’s the important bit.

Not to mention the worthless empty open letter came after @FatsharkCatfish had been saying for over a week that she ‘hoped’ to include all kinds of information in the ‘community update’. Clearly FatShark management could allow no such thing. That might make them accountable to something. The open letter didn’t even contain an apology, or any admission of wrongdoing whatsoever. It literally just says they failed to meet their own expectations of having a game that millions would play. Mkay, so?


I think they might be married to this too. It is pretty crazy that they’ve basically admitted to no wrong-doing or missteps with respect to the games actual design. Not once.

Their arrogance may very well send their company into a death spiral.


That’s why. Also, no crossplay. Hehe. As if that would make a dent.

6000 players… Ouch.
Ok… I will try to play something else by waiting a miracle from fatshark. But, let’s be honest, I love the game.

I feel the same as others. They will keep the rng. But, I don’t care of that.
Give me crafting, tweak a little the shops and I would be happy.
What I would love is procedural creation of missions, with random map and random conditions (even just on small parts of the map).
Something where we cannot know what will happen and that every game would be different and surprising.
They can do it. There are lift, intermediate rooms, etc…
You just need to split the maps and make connections.

it can be solved easily
just remove region lock and let every player all players in the world play together

was this a real launch?

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There you go. What is your region yet again. Let me guess Russia. If so, you are playing from a unsupported (atm) region. There is no problem with the game. There are some unofficial workarounds. Deal with it.

Honestly, I disagree as much as I would like it to be truth. There are tons of good games being released in next months and I think majority already just moved on. Even if there will be some retention, it will be couple days people checking new patch and then leaving again because nothing big will happen in next month or two. Tons of basic game features like loot/crafting etc. need to be totally fully reworked, not to mention adding new content on top of that and fixing optimization.

You are looking at min of 6 months for any major difference between released product and patched game. And knowing FS I am very optimistic here.

Considering titles that will be released this year, I don’t really think they will get much people back. But I will be glad to be wrong.


I just started Hogwarts Legacy expecting a turd sandwich, because… well i guess i’ve been hurt too many times. It’s so good that it reminded me how bad DT is. i had to come back and check on this pos. i see it’s still very, very dead. that’s just funny to me now.

seriously though Hogwarts Legacy… im just running around collecting so much stuff and not once have i been accosted by a microtransaction vender or some other disgusting money making, garbage mechanic. im finding in game items for free! i only paid for the game once! one time purchase and it’s got content!!! so much content!!! for 1 time purchase!!! amazing!!! why hasn’t anyone ever done this before?

oh nvm they all used to do like that. but now that they dont, the overall quality of games has diminished. looking at you fs. you made bad choices.

you lose.


I will summarize for you how it went for my group of guys (ca. 15 people on DC server).

  1. Enthusiasm, the game has flaws but has massive potential. (November 2022)
  2. We roll. Rocky ride, yet it is fun.
  3. Lackluster updates. Technical flaws, abhorrent progression and plainly stupid penances start to set in.
  4. Few guys drop (mostly frustrated by technical issues and penances).
  5. Rest carries on, we level chars till level 30, play Damnation, do penances together.
  6. The massive emptiness of painful post-30-level grind sets in. There is no progression, just hourly store check, and loads of RNG on top of RNG, sprinkled with RNG. Game is more time consuming than a full-time job. Every 2-3 days one guy stops playing.
  7. Few die-hards wait for updates but even they give up. Before the year ends (2022) everbody put the game of the shelf.

I guess this is where the playerbase went. It took one month.

Also the move to release a complex game and then go for a four week holiday was definitely a blunder.

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