No DLC plans?

All updates have been free from release until now.
A lot of DLC has been released for VT2, are there any DLC plans for Darktide?


As far as we (the community) are aware, all of the new content will come free with updates :smiling_face:


According to some fairly old information, they don’t want to do DLC mission packs. Character classes and weapons are unknown.


this is the first time I have heard about it. Thanks for the information. Of course I would be happy if the updates were free all the time. :+1:


Maps, modes and enemy were promised as free

That leave us with:

  • Weapons (Atm all have been free)
  • Archetype
  • Branches

Following Fatshark’s track record, if weapons were to be DLC they’d have to be bundled with archetypes… is that correct?

Branches are a fairly new addition, so we don’t have any “track records” for those.

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Well not really, before they did the 5 Prem careers they had 3 weapon packs

Return to Ubersreik (Maps and weapons)
Wind of Magic (Map, enemies and weapon)
Forgotten weapon (Weapon, alongside free Chaos Waste mode)


Ah, this noggin of mine. I feel like I have dementia at 23 sometimes. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I almost forgot about those!

Still, Fatshark couldn’t really afford to make us pay for weapons as DLCs while the Crafting System is… you know, as it is. If they fixed the base weapon stats as per my suggestion, it would go a lot better for everyone involved.


I don’t think the crafting is the issue behind paid weapons.

Prem cosmetics are

Premium (and other) cosmetics that absolutely dumpster the weapon style for any weapon that has variants. I think they have issues having ‘skins’ that replace the model and skins that don’t replace the model.


Variants and model isn’t the issue.

It’s “dlc” for dlc that is (which is also present if they do paid archetypes

I don’t think you understand just how poorly the community would react to having to pay for access to even more RNG weapons.




Elaborate, please

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It’s more difficult to sell Dlc for Dlc

As in selling Premium Cosmetics for Dlc content.
And afaik there is issues that make it impossible on Xbox (which is why they didn’t separate the cosmetic from the careers, and gave the prem cosmetics for free when they did them for the Prem careers)

Hi, sorry if I’m being stupid, but I don’t understand what you are trying to say here…

You begin by discussing selling premium cosmetics for DLC content, which is the current situation, and I would argue that it is a better way to do business because it ensures that people are not locked out of game modes due to a lack of individual DLC packs, but then you move on to talk about DLC being impossible for Xbox.

I am not a native English speaker (I am a Swede), so it could simply be that I do not speak English well enough to understand what you are saying.

Is there any chance you could explain what you meant further?

your answer is the mission selection system. if maps were DLC content then having a chunk of them get locked because you don’t own the DLC and making your ability to chose limited by your wallet would hurt the game pretty badly. their DLC is the cash shop here.

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Compare both you will see that in Steam, you’re offered the option of buying the Premium Career, and their (starting) cosmetics, while in the Microsoft store it’s fused.

Likewise, you can see the paid cosmetics in the Microsoft store, (don’t know how Steam list those) but there are some missing:

(The 2 other from that round are Allariel and Thyrus Gormann, who both are present)

For better or worse…Fatshark has switched to live service model supported by the cosmetic shop purchases. I would say for worse.

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